Year 1 - Tuesday 19th May Home Learning Challenges

Good morning Year 1!

What are we learning today?

Weekly challenges 18.5.20.jpg


Follow the link and practise the speedy words. Warm up on the purple words you did yesterday and then have a go at the speedy words from pink books.

Purple Book Words

Pink Book Words


Remember to read everyday, just like we do at school. I would love you to read for at least 20 minutes each day, be that a physical book, an ebook on Epic or Accelerated Reader. If your book has an option to quiz on AR or Epic, please remember to do so.


Read again Rumble in the Jungle encouraging your child to join in with the verses if they can.

Ask your child to write a short list of animals that live in the jungle that they have heard about in the book. Ask your child to try and spell these animal names independently without peeking at the book, using their phonics knowledge. (Note: There is no expectation that your child should be able to spell all of these words correctly at this age. They should, however, be encouraged to think about the sounds in the words and ways of spelling each of the sounds).

Watch the opening scene of the film The Lion King Watch again but this time pause to discuss and add to the list of animals which live in the jungle. Talk about animals they perhaps have not seen before. Encourage independent spelling again using their phonic knowledge and clapping of the syllables of the animal names, e.g. vulture (two claps), zebra (two claps), elephant (three claps) and hyena (three claps).

This list could be recorded as a chart by sorting the animals with one clap, two claps and three claps etc. Look up the rest of the animals and add them to the list.




Have a go at the Counting Game on Top Marks

I have highlighted the suitable games with a yellow ring.

Have a wonderful day of learning!

Miss Lane