Year 1 - Thursday 21st May Home Learning Challenges

Good morning Year 1!

What are we learning today?

Weekly challenges 18.5.20.jpg


Follow the link and practise the speedy words. Warm up on the orange words you did yesterday and then have a go at the speedy words from the yellow books.

Orange book words

Yellow book words

I will not be setting any work over half term (other than reading of course). However, it would be brilliant if the children could continue with these speedy words. Below are the links to all of the slide shows.

Green books

Purple books

Pink books

Orange books

Yellow books

Blue books

Grey books


Remember to read everyday, just like we do at school. I would love you to read for at least 20 minutes each day, be that a physical book, an ebook on Epic or Accelerated Reader. If your book has an option to quiz on AR or Epic, please remember to do so.


Re-read The Ugly Five by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler

Ask your child to use the prompts first, next, then, after that and finally to describe which animal was seen and in which order. Return back to the vocabulary collected yesterday on each of the animals. Begin to compose the recount using the above prompts and the vocabulary collected in the previous session, e.g. Yesterday I went on a safari tour to see The Ugly Five. First I saw the ugly wildebeest. It had spindly legs and a gingery beard. I could see its big chunky chest and its skinny behind. It looked really weird… Next I saw… Then I saw… After that I saw… Finally, I saw…

Each animal can be described using the vocabulary collected. Check their own writing for spelling using phonics, capital letters for the start of sentences and for the word ‘I’, full stops and use of the word ‘and’ and ‘but.’

Challenge: Research the other animals at the back of the book, e.g. The Big Five. Write a recount as if they had seen these animals instead, after gathering some vocabulary about them.



Have a go at the Ordering Game on Top Marks

There will be something a little bit different on the blog tomorrow. You will be learning all about the NHS. The activities are to be done as a family, I hope you all enjoy them! Tomorrow I will be posting another story time on the main blog page and photos from all of the amazing learning you have been doing this week.

Don’t forget that next week is half term so there will be no learning posted on the blog. The following week is our Health and Happiness week and there will be some exciting activities on the blog for you to pick and choose.

Missing you all lots!

Miss Lane