Year 1 - Friday 12th June Home Learning Challenges

Good morning Year 1! Well done for another wonderful week of learning. On the main blog page you will find photos of this weeks learning at home and a story time video with me!

What are we learning today?

Weekly challenges 8.6.20.jpg


Today I would like you to do the lesson Read Longer Words, by following the link to the YouTube channel above.

Use the links below to continue practising your speedy words and for those who are whizzing through them, can you spell them? Go on, have a go!


Remember to read everyday, just like we do at school. I would love you to read for at least 20 minutes each day, be that a physical book or an ebook on Epic/Accelerated Reader. If your book has an option to quiz on AR or Epic, please remember to do so.


Consider other characters which could also have featured in the story, e.g. the Big Bad Wolf saying sorry to the Three Little Pigs, the Gingerbread Man saying sorry for stealing everybody's food or the Troll apologising to the Three Billy Goats Gruff for scaring them.

Write a new page for the book as if you were apologising for what you had done, e.g. the Big Bad Wolf saying sorry to the Three Little Pigs, the Gingerbread Man saying sorry for stealing everybody’s food or the Troll apologising to the Three Billy Goats Gruff for scaring them.

Check capital letters for the start of the sentences and for names of people and places. Also check for full stops at the end of sentences. Try to include the words ‘and’ and ‘but’ in some sentences.


Can you direct the astronaut to the numbers in order? The first instructions to get to the ‘0 Star’ could be:

Walk 4 steps forward. Turn a quarter clockwise. Take 1 step forward.

friday maths space.PNG

For an extra challenge, can you create a map for the Jolly Postman, to deliver the letters? You could draw the different characters houses and direct the Jolly Postman to each house.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Lane