Year 1 - Friday 19th June Home Learning Challenges

Good morning Year 1! Hip-Hip-Hooray, for another brilliant week of learning! Head over to the main blog page to see what your class friends have been getting up to this week. I’ve loved seeing you all getting involved with sports week! I’m very sorry year 1, but I haven’t had chance to film a story time this week. I’ve been busy getting everything organised for our first week back, as well as organising home learning for those of you who won’t be coming back next week. As Miss Hornby has said in her blog, the teachers will be in school full time from next week so we won’t be as contactable. I will do my best to get back to your emails as quickly as I can, but please be patient with me. I am so excited to see you year 1, I think I’ll struggle to sleep on Sunday night; I’ll be so eager to see you all!

Weekly challenges 15.6.20.jpg


Today I would like you to do the lesson Read and Hold a Sentence (2), by following the link to the YouTube channel above.

Use the links below to continue practising your speedy words and for those who are whizzing through them, can you spell them? Go on, have a go!


Remember to read everyday, just like we do at school. I would love you to read for at least 20 minutes each day, be that a physical book or an ebook on Epic/Accelerated Reader. If your book has an option to quiz on AR or Epic, please remember to do so.


Watch the film Something Fishy up to 0:47 mins.

Predict what the girl is going to do. Encourage your child to use the sentence frame, I think that … because … Continue to watch the film to the end to find out if you were right.

Pause to discuss the clothes and other items the girl sees, and see if you can describe them, e.g. Stripy socks which were swimming like fish in shoals, coins stacked up to look like seaweed, a pair of denim jeans with a zip like teeth.

Talk through the story of the film. Can you write a description or the story as if you are the little girl? Remember to include how you would be feeling too!

E.g. One morning I was waiting for my washing to finish when I thought I saw a fish through the round hole in the machine door. I bent down on my knees peeping through the door and spotted something fishy … I saw … I climbed in and … Then I saw a huge … I felt … Next I … I felt … Finally I … Include the words ‘and’ and ‘but’ and use an exclamation mark, too! Check for capital letters and full stops.


Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Lane