Year 1 - Friday 26th June Home Learning Challenges

Good morning Year 1! Well done for another super week of learning. Today is Friday, which means that on the main year 1 page, I will be reading you a story and there is a lovely photo montage of all of your learning, for you to enjoy!

Weekly challenges 22.6.20.jpg


Today I would like you to do the lesson Read and Hold a Sentence (2), by following the link to the YouTube channel above.

Use the links below to continue practising your speedy words and for those who are whizzing through them, can you spell them? Go on, have a go!


Remember to read everyday, just like we do at school. I would love you to read for at least 20 minutes each day, be that a physical book or an ebook on Epic/Accelerated Reader. If your book has an option to quiz on AR or Epic, please remember to do so.


Read over the start of the story which you started yesterday. Check for capital letters for the start of sentences and names. Check for full stops, exclamation marks and the use of the word ’and’.

Continue to write the second part of your story to complete it.

First he went through his front door … Then he … Finally he …

Make sure that the reward for helping the farmer is the new food that you’ve chosen for Mr Strong to eat. Finish your story by including a different food to trick your readers, just like ice-cream was used in the original such as: chocolate, crisps, sweets, ice lolly etc.

Check for capital letters, full stops and use of an exclamation mark. Ensure the word ‘and’ has been used to join ideas in a sentence.


Today’s lesson is Week 9 - Lesson 3 - Comparing numbers (1). Click on the button to go to the White Rose website and once you have watched the lesson (and joined in), have a go at the activity below.

Have a wonderful day!

Miss Lane