Year 1 - Monday 29th June Home Learning Challenges

Good morning Year 1! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Let’s have a look at this week’s home learning.

Weekly challenges 29.6.20.jpg


Today I would like you to do the lesson Read and Hold a Sentence (2), by following the link to the YouTube channel above.

Use the links below to continue practising your speedy words and for those who are whizzing through them, can you spell them? Go on, have a go!


Remember to read everyday, just like we do at school. I would love you to read for at least 20 minutes each day, be that a physical book or an ebook on Epic/Accelerated Reader. If your book has an option to quiz on AR or Epic, please remember to do so.


Say together the phrase: “To infinity and beyond!” Do you know who says this? Ask your child if they know anything about the character Buzz Lightyear. Watch the video.

Talk about what Buzz Lightyear looks like and who his friends are. Is he a good character or a bad character? With an adult, read some fun facts about Buzz Lightyear by clicking on the button.

Play Ask the Expert! Where siblings or other adults ask your child about Buzz Lightyear. Can they talk like an expert, saying everything they know about him?

Write a Buzz Lightyear fact file for someone to read. It could include answers to these prompts: What does he look like? Where did he get his name from? How does he act? Who are his friends? Challenge Can they include a special Did you know …? fact box using a question mark.

Check for a capital letter at the start of a sentence/character name and a full stop at the end of each sentence. Encourage your child to use their phonics to help them spell and try to include the word ‘and’ to join ideas in some sentences.


Today’s lesson is Week 9 - Lesson 4 - Comparing numbers (2). Click on the button to go to the White Rose website and once you have watched the lesson (and joined in), have a go at the activity below.

Have a brilliant day!

Miss Lane