Year 1 - Monday 13th July - Your final week in Year One!

Good morning Year 1! This week is going to be very special, because it is your final week of learning in Year 1! I have got lots of joyful activities planned for you as we celebrate how big your brains have grown this year. Before we get started if you were in my bubble at school please could you do the activity below. In the excitement that was our final week together, I forgot to do this task and I would love to have your hopes displayed at school.

Faith-Filled and Hopeful (MISS LANE’S BUBBLE)

As we are coming to the end of transition week, I would like you to look ahead and think carefully about your hopes for next year. What do you hope for yourself? What do you hope for the world? Write your hope for next year in the purple mash 2DO. We will then be collecting together your hopes to create a lovely, whole school display for when you return to school in September.

What have we learned this year?

Today I am challenging you to think about everything you have learned this year! Can you create a big poster, showing all of the things you have learned? Take a look at the photos below to remind yourself of the wonderful learning we have done together. Don’t forget about all the learning you have done at home too!

Please send me a photo of your learning posters!


This week I will be setting activities on time. Children who have been learning in school may have already done some of these activities. It would be great if they could consolidate their learning by watching the videos, even if they have already done the worksheet in school!

Today I would like you to do Week 12: Lesson 1 - Time to the hour.

I would just like to say a huge thank you for all of your cards, gifts and kind words. It fills my heart with such joy to know that you’re children have loved being in my class and have enjoyed their learning journey in Year 1. Your support has been immeasurable and I cannot thank you all enough!

Have a wonderful day!

Miss Lane, Miss Woodrow and Mrs Malley