Year 1 - Tuesday 14th July - Your final week in Year One!

Good morning Year 1!

Dear Reception…

Some of the children in Reception are feeling a little bit nervous about going into Year 1. Can you write them a letter telling them what it is like in Year 1? Can you tell them about what they will learn and maybe share some of your favourite memories from Year 1? I would love you to impress me with your fantastic writing, can you show off how hard you have worked this year by writing some amazing sentences, in your most beautiful handwriting?

Please send me your lovely letters so that I can read them and share them with the new Reception children.


This week I will be setting activities on time. Children who have been learning in school may have already done some of these activities. It would be great if they could consolidate their learning by watching the videos, even if they have already done the worksheet in school!

Today I would like you to do Week 12: Lesson 2 - Time to the half hour.

Have an amazing day!

Miss Lane