Year 1 - Thursday 16th July - Your final week in Year One!


Good morning Year 1!

Today is our final day of learning together, in Year 1. Tomorrow, everyone in the school will be doing the same activities, as we celebrate an amazing year of learning, as a school family!

Year 1, I have loved every second of being your teacher! From your first day in September, you have been enthusiastic Bobby Bees and have shown endless curiosity, bravery and resilience, through what has turned out to be, an unexpected school year! You are all so precious and I cannot wait to watch your brains grow, as you continue on your school journey.

The Colour Monster

For those of you who have been in the Year 1 bubbles at school, we have already read the Colour Monster book together. Click on the front cover (below), to watch it again with a parent. Can you pause the video and give examples of times you have felt these feelings. I would like you to think of other emotions and what colours they could be. E.g. What colour would jealousy be? What about proud? Can you make another Colour Monster wheel with your new emotions?

Enjoy reading the Colour Monster goes to school, by clicking on the front cover.

Children who have been in the key worker group and learning from home, enjoy reading The Colour Monster, for the first time. Can you colour in the Monsters on the colour wheel to match the feelings in the book. If you have got a split pin, you could make the arrow spin around! Can you think examples of times when you have felt like a red colour monster or a green colour monster?


This week I will be setting activities on time. Children who have been learning in school may have already done some of these activities. It would be great if they could consolidate their learning by watching the videos, even if they have already done the worksheet in school!

Today I would like you to do Week 12: Lesson 4 - Comparing Time.

I could not have wished to have had a more wonderful first class and such supportive parents. Thank you so much for everything!

Have a wonderful Summer!

Lots of love, smiles and hip-hip-hooray’s!

Miss Lane