Year 6 Remote Learning - Friday 26th February 2021

Good morning Year 6. Welcome to the final learning day of the week.

I am looking to seeing you at 9am for our Class Council.

Here is our weekly overview and our timetable for today.

Timetable 4.PNG

English - Non-chronological report - Owls

Today , you are going to finish your non-chronological report on Owls. Can you complete the final page using the information that you have gathered.

You should have a paragraph on:

  • Introduction

  • Appearance of the owl species

  • Habitat of the owl

  • What the owl eats.

  • Fascinating facts and any other specific information.

Area reasoning 1.png


Please complete the IXL strand YEAR 6 CC.6

We looked at this aspect of area yesterday in maths. Can you have a go at the IXL strand that matches it?

Spelling - Homophones. Words that are confused.

Can you take the spelling quiz for this week’s spellings?

ART - Symmetrical Art

Hope you all had a lovely half term break, Just a few more weeks and hopefully we will all be back together again. Until then, let’s get creative!

This week I would like you to create some symmetrical art. Look at the examples below, you can draw, colour, paint, collage or make digitally your art, remember it must have a line of symmetry and must be the same on either side, imagine it folded in half would it be the same?