‘Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.’

What a wonderful week of learning we have had in Year 1!
Now I do realise I probably say this each week, but every week truly is an exciting adventure in our class!

We started the week with a creative array of train hats and it was wonderful to see the children beaming with pride and excitement when they arrived to school on Monday morning. Thank you so much for your support with the homework activities; I hope they also sparked some interesting conversations and an opportunity for the children to share all of their learning with you at home.

Please make sure you read all of the blog this week as there is some important information below regarding the next school year.

Here are some of the highlights from our week:

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths, we have come to the end of our place value unit and the children have amazed me with their deep understanding of tens and ones. In a variety of activities this week, we found one more than and one less than numbers to 100 and then we consolidated our learning with a range of problem solving questions in order to put all of our learning into practise. It is great to hear how they are becoming more confident when solving problems and using their understanding of number to reason and explain how they found out the answer.

In English, we shared our persuasive writing with each other and the feedback from the train conductor was that it was a very tricky decision. There were so many well thought out qualities and excellent persuasive writing that he found it hard to choose just one new train for his shop. Now, he has a shop full of 30 creative new trains! Seeing as we were full of creative ideas we have continued on our learning journey by writing a story using Thomas the Tank Engine as inspiration. The children are really growing their brains and thinking about how they can prepare for Year 2. They have focused on the presentation of their work and their handwriting and has blown us away! We can’t wait for you to see it!



Determined Sadie Spider: Jackson
Jackson, you have such a positive attitude towards all of our learning and I really admire how you rise to a challenge and you don’t give up. You have been a determined Sadie Spider with your writing this week and it made us so proud to hear how you celebrated your achievements during the lesson with a loud and proud voice shouting “Mrs Hartley come and look I’m doing my cursive handwriting and it’s really good!”
Well done Jackson, we are so proud!

Curious Clara Clownfish: Isaac
Isaac you have asked some excellent curious Clara Clownfish questions this week and shown a genuine interest in all of our topics. Thank you for sharing your wondering questions, thoughts and ideas which have helped us all to grow our brains. It’s wonderful to see how much you have enjoyed our topics; your positive attitude and love of learning is inspiring. Keep asking those ‘curious’ questions!
 We are really proud of you Isaac, well done!

Year 2!

On Friday, all the children across school found out who their new teacher would be for the next school year.

In Year 2, they will have the wonderful Miss Woodend as their main class teacher. They are also extremely lucky to have the fabulous Mrs Hotchkiss who will be working alongside Miss Woodend as a teaching team. Miss Woodend and Mrs Hotchkiss will be supported by Mrs Maano who has already been working with the class during their time in Year 1. Mrs Maano knows the class really well and the children are excited to be continuing their learning journey with her.

Miss Woodend will be visiting us in Year 1 next week, and will stay with us for a few lessons so she can get to know the children and see just how amazing they are!

Although Miss Liddell and I will be so sad to see them go, we know that with this excellent team in Year 2, they will continue to flourish!

As you can see from the picture, the class were delighted with this news!


  • This term the children will need to wear their PE kits on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  • As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

    Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team