What a beautiful sight and two happy days to celebrate and cherish forever! The children have been thinking about happiness this week in their RE lessons. They have asked some provocative questions about what brings true happiness and how making others happy often makes us feel joyful too. We then looked at Jesus’ greatest guidance about how to be happy - the Beatitudes; which backs this up and shows us happiness stems from loving God, ourselves and others. It has been a really reflective week when children have taken stock and thought deeply about how to be the best versions of themselves.
In English this week, we have been studying writing about contrasting settings and contrasting characters through our novel. We did some shared writing, describing a bust jungle grill, then a calm lakeshore. Children were in their element when describing the beautiful goddess of the emerald lake. Each one was unique - just like them! We now move on to the contrasting character - Rasvani, the Fire-Fiend!
Maths - all I can say is WOW! Our increased focus this week has seen us bomb through so much fractions work. We have looked at ‘mixed numbers’ (fractions larger than one whole) and we have been doing lots of reasoning about their size, placing them on numberlines and comparing them.
For PE this week, one was rained off but the other one saw us doing a spectacular (and very fierce) Viking dance in the hall.
Conversation starters
Talk maths - fractions. What is a denominator? What is the numerator? What is a mixed number? Can you think about fractions when you have your tea (cake, pizza) or when you share anything equally? Can you find fractions of numbers too?
Also this week, we had a special worship all about love led by these four children. They talked about Worrying and read from Matthew’s gospel about what Jesus said about worries.
Let’s Celebrate!
End of half term is always done by class votes. The class voted for these three children who they said love learning, are always focused and participate so fully in every single lesson. They have a certificate with every learning character. Well done Tilly, Beth and Toby.
Learned and Wise butterflies
This week our learned and wise butterflies go to Matilda and Lily for pushing themselves out of comfort zones and believing in themselves
Lunchtime role model: Matilda
Marvellous Lunchtime manners: Tommy
Music stars
PE stars Lorenzo and John-Paul for some super dancing and getting into character.
Music Stars Seth and Josh
GOING GREEN - Isioma you have done it! Through sheer hard work and effort. Well done!
Wednesday 12th June Sports Day- This will be the second day back after half term so feel free to practice the events over half term. The events and set up will be identical to last year- starting at 1:30-3:00.
Friday 14th June Children will take their official Multiplication tables check.
Monday 17th June Jim Jam Jog- Sponsorship forms have gone out to all children. Get fundraising for a brilliant cause. Money to be brought in on Jim Jam Jog Day.
Tuesday 18th June Our Anglo Saxon/Viking trip to Tatton Park. Children need to come dressed as either an Anglo-Saxon or a Viking on this day. Now payable on parentpay:
Flute concert Wednesday 10th July. 2:00pm at school. Children would love to perform pieces on their flute for your enjoyment!
Wider Opportunities next year - For the past year, your child has learnt a musical instrument as part of the Wider Opportunity Scheme in school. For our Year 4 children it has been the flute, and for Year 5, the clarinet. As your child progresses to their next class, there will be the opportunity for them to continue to learn the instrument that they have learnt this year, in small groups, if they choose to do so. If your child wants to continue, there will be a cost to these sessions. That will be worked out once we know how many children want to continue their instruments into the next year.
Please complete the form below as an expression of interest.
Have a lovely half term. Please keep those times tables ticking along!
Mrs Lyons , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter