What a beautiful first week we have had in our new class! Children have come back so focused and have really worked so hard this week to learn all our routines and tenets of behaviour to make our class Strive, Thrive, Aspire and be Respectfully Responsible.
We always begin our year reflecting on our school mission statement, “You are Precious in my Eyes.” All the children have thought about who said this and what it means to be truly precious in the eyes of God. If everyone is God’s special creation then we realised everyone deserves to be treated like a precious jewel; therefore we made this sign to remind us each day.
We then went on to learn about rights as things we all deserve and how we are responsible to ensure everyone gets their rights. These are our class rights which children came up with:
This week, the children finished off their ‘Meet Me’ posters all about their hobbies and favourite things.
In our English lessons we have started to learn about different text types and their purpose. Next week, we begin our topic all about explanation texts. We have dived right into our new spelling programme which allows us to revise past spellings, remember rules and learn really tricky words. Please look at the homework section for more information.
We have started our new Science topic all about Living things and their habitats, whilst also learning about how seeds disperse.
Conversation Starters.
This week, children had their first Kidsafe lesson which was all about trust and recognising ‘yukky feelings.’ What makes you feel sad, scared or worried? How does it feel in your body?
Please read the letter below which tells you all about it.
School timings:
School opens at 8:45am and school finishes at 3:25pm
Important forms to keep your child safe.
Please complete the following online forms regarding consent and medical needs. Please fill in both - regardless of whether your child has a medical need or not.
Induction evening:
On Wednesday 18th September it will be our class induction evening. There are two sessions 3:45 - 4:30 and 4:45 - 5:30. This is a chance to meet our team, find out the main emphasis in year 4, all about homework, what sort of things we will be learning, trips and key messages for this year. We would love to meet you properly so do come along and say hello.
Have a lovely weekend with your hard-working and lovely children. I very much look forward to our year ahead!
Mrs Lyons and Miss Johnson
Let’s Celebrate!
The children have voted for the certificates for the end of this half term. Certificates for every learning character go to Louis, Daisy and Lily. Your class said so many nice things about you - that you are all kind to people and are all good friends who are there for other people. Every single on of you have become great listeners with improved focus too. Well done.
Grateful and Generous butterflies
This week our butterflies go to Rory for always being so thankful and supporting everyone in class and Lorenzo for being so grateful - also for stepping in to tell stories for everyone this week.
Lunchtime role model Sean
Marvellous Lunchtime manners John-Paul
French star - Matilda for a wonderful french presentation done as extra homework all about food!
A final note from me - I feel truly blessed to have taught your children and they will always hold a place in my heart. Thank you so much for all your support this year and for all your kind words and gifts.
We hope you have a beautiful Summer with your little lovelies. It has been a privilege to teach them all and they are ready… for Year 5!
Mrs Lyons , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter