What a busy but lovely week we have had! we are well under way with our Christmas preparations for our carol concert in church and we have been doing so much exciting learning!
Our RE lessons this week were firstly focused on John the Baptist and understanding why he was important. We then looked at how he linked to another prophet Isaiah - in prophesying Jesus’ coming. This led us beautifully to start thinking about the season of Advent and what it entails.
Our Science this week was all about evaporation. Excitedly, the children made a puddle outside and even in this cold, it had evaporated within 1 hour! We carried out an experiment in class to see if water would evaporate more quickly if it was in a container with a larger surface area.
Maths has seen us solve one and two step problems using bar modelling and our understanding of measures. Children are more readily able to convert now between eg m to km or g to kg. We are now moving onto numbers to 10,000 comparing and ordering them.
In English, we have finally finished our novel. It was bittersweet and all children have now quizzed on this book which gave them some major Accelerated reader points!
Here are a few photos of our week:
1. What is evaporation? Can you think of any examples in nature?
2.My Happy Mind - this week, you can talk about Which strength would you like to build further?
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, our learning certificates are as follows:
Lettie received a Sadie Spider certificate. You are such a hard worker Lettie which really showed in your persuasive letter! You were brilliant with maths problems too this week!
George L also received a Sadie Spider certificate. You have become such a good listener and you have become so much more productive too! I can see you striving to get better and better!
Our virtues this half term are intentional and prophetic - intentional in choosing right choices and standing out for what is good. This week Mia-Grace received our star. You are always so willing to help out everyone Mia-Grace. You just love to give to others.
Flute stars this week: Lettie and Fletcher
Nathan has been our Happiness hero this week - starting our day by sharing a happy thought. Thank you.
Lunchtime awards:
Role model: Nathan
Marvelous Manners: Alice
Christmas Parish Pantomime We are going to our parish panto - Ali Baba on Friday 6th December. Please could you pay £5 on parent pay?
Christmas songs Year 4 did brilliantly again this week in their singing! On the homework are the next 3 songs to practise for our Carol concert which is in church on Monday 16th December at 2pm and 6pm. Please encourage them to practise again this week
Own Clothes Day: To celebrate the arrival of December and the festive period, then children can wear their own clothes and also bring in a bar of chocolate into school for £1. This will take place on Friday 29th November.
Christmas Bake Off: Last year went so well, we just had to do it again! All things Christmas with cakes, bakes and jumpers on Friday 13th December.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Lyons and Mrs Carter.