What a lovely start to the year we have had! We began our week with a lovely worship about the Epiphany and explored our new virtues - faith-filled and hopeful. In our Happy mind lessons we are on a new unit called ‘Appreciate’ which has helped children think about why it is so important to show appreciation and how it makes us feel. We are very appreciative to welcome a new member of our team in Year 4, Miss Bray who has settled into our class beautifully.
Our Shakespeare lessons began with gusto this week. We are studying ‘The Tempest’ and children have been powerful magicans, dukes, shipwrecked sailors and wild spirits! This kind of learning ‘on our feet’ is always very popular and children are loving interpreting the language as they act out scenes. We did some bautiful descriptive writing of Caliban’s Island after creating a word carpet in the hall together. You will be able to see them perform a scene on the Grand theatre stage - please see notices below.
In maths we are learning all about perimeter and we hae started our first ‘Going for Gold’ common multiplication facts this week (see homework) In Science, children absolutely wowed me with their depth of understanding about states of matter. Next week, it is on to a new topic.
We have been doing gymnastic sequences in RE and had our last Ancient history lesson about other civilisations. All in all a very exciting week.
Conversation starters
My Happy Mind
How could you as a family think of a way to share each day what you are thankful for? Children have been discussing this in class
Why did Shakespeare write a play about a Tempest? Tell your parents what the island we created is like!
Let’s Celebrate!
Lunchtime awards:
Role model: Lettie
Marvellous Manners: Myles
PE stars this week: Fletcher and Martha for lovely gymnastics
Flute stars this week: Myles and George C.
This week, the learning certificate goes to Fletcher. You have received a double whammy Kiki Chameleon/Roger Robin certificate. You are a role model to others because you make good choices and you always plan and consider your work carefully. Well done!
This half term are virtues are faith filled and hopeful. Full of faith in themselves, God and others and full of hope in each moment as a precious gift from God. This week Anna receives the star. You are such a delight Anna because you are always so positive, you smile at everyone and you spread joy wherever you go!
Egyptian trip Thursday 16th January. This is normal drop off and pick up - unless any delays. Children can wear their school PE uniform for comfort.
Class Charity Children voted together and have decided to collect money for a relatively unknown charity for Encephalitis - which can be very dehabilitating. A member of the class has a close relative with this condition and the charity relies heavily on donations to help. Next, the class will be deciding how they fundraise.
PE Please can I remind you to try to remember not to wear earrings on PE days as they can be a struggle to get out.
Shakespeare Playmaking festival Thursday 20th March. There will be much more information about this coming up but you can purchase tickets to see your child perform scenes from The Tempest alongside other schools below. Make sure you book the right date - there are 2 showings at 1:00 and 6:00
There are other trips coming up imminently too! Please keep an eye on the blog
Have a lovely, chilly weekend
Mrs Lyons and Miss Bray