‘Leave a trail of sparkle wherever you go!’

The children have come back brilliantly this week. They have been settled, enthusiastic and ready to grow their brains!

We started our week by reading the story or Elmer. As I’m sure you know Elmer was different to all the other elephants, but that is what made him so special! We thought about the different things that make us special and how we could celebrate and appreciate others and all they bring to our class family.

Miss Lavelle told the children she found hedgehog poo in her garden but couldn’t see the hedgehog. At first we were a bit confused why Miss Lavelle kept missing the hedgehog then we realised, hedgehogs are nocturnal and the explore the garden at night. We decided to be fact finders and explore other nocturnal animals too. We split into groups and research one animal each. Below you can see what we found out.

During Maths this week we were helping Penny the Parrot say one number for every object because she kept getting mixed up and sometimes said two numbers on the same object. We each found a stick outside and with a bit of magic from Miss Lavelle our sticks turned into magic counting wands! We had fun counting by touching each object with our wand.

We ended our week with a Bonfire Night celebration, we worked in our house teams to create bonfire night pictures with loose parts. Then we put our coats on and pretended it was Bonfire Night in our classroom, we saw some amazing colours and heard some very loud bangs. We also talked about how important it is to be safe near fireworks.

In Read Write Inc this week we have learnt three new sounds! For ‘g...g..g’ we had to go ‘round the girls face, down her hair and give her a curl’. For ‘o..o..o’ we had to go ‘all around the orange’. Finally for ‘c..c..c’ we ‘curl around the caterpillar’.

We have added these sounds to the flashcard sets.

Let’s Celebrate

Patrick is a resilient Sadie Spider - For being so determined to put on your coat independently. We are so impressed that you kept on trying to have a go, even when you found the challenge tricky at first. Well done Patrick!

Ruth is a curious Clara Clownfish - For asking interesting questions about the nocturnal animals we have been learning about this week. We have been impressed by your curiosity towards nature and the observations you have made about badgers. Well done Ruth!

Important Notices

Wellies - If you haven’t already, please send a pair of wellies in for you child next wee. They can stay in school, but please let me know if they need to go home for any reason.

Please enjoy the selection of pictures below. (Not too many this week, we were obviously having too much fun!)

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe if you are enjoying any fireworks,

The Reception Team