‘Those who are the happiest, are those who do the most for others.’

It has been a very strange week in Reception with so many of our friends at home! We have really missed having everyone on the carpet for our good mornings, but the children have shown great resilience and empathy.

We have had fun problem solving when making marble mazes and den building. We had to be Roger Robins and work as a team!

We have planted our beans that were growing in bags on our window, it was so interesting to watch them grow! Our cress grew and we used it for a Jurassic small world. In our planters we planted some radishes, although we have heard that Peter Rabbit was in the Year One garden not too long ago, so we thought it best to make some signs to politely remind him not to eat them!

We paused our RWI groups this week, due to so many children from each group not being here, and spent our phonics time boosting our set 2 sound knowledge and our hold a sentence skills. In Maths we have been describing quantities using ‘more than’ or ‘less than’ and using ‘an equal number’ to say when there is the same number of items in 2 sets. We will recap this next week with lots of practical challenges.

Although it has been a lovely week, playing with different friends have sharing new experiences with them, we can’t wait to hopefully welcome everyone back to Reception on Monday!

Let’s Celebrate

Bella and Jude are Enthusiastic Bobby Bees - For spreading your enthusiasm throughout the class. We are so impressed with both your ‘can do’ attitudes towards challenges in our classroom. You are a great role models, sharing your positivity wonderfully to your classmates!

Well done Bella and Jude!

Important notices

Vision screening Tuesday 5th April - See previous blog post for information. Action only required if you wish to opt out.

Own clothes Friday 8th April - Over the half term all the children throughout school have been working hard to collect learning points for their house teams. Blue Harcourt and Red Plessington have collected the most so as a reward for their efforts they can wear own clothes of their house colour.

BROCKHOLES TRIP NEW DATE…THURSDAY 12TH MAY - I will repost the blog nearer the time to remind you of the important information.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team