'He is Risen.'

What an emotional but thought provoking journey we have had during this Holy Week. It has been wonderful coming together as a school each morning to see the important story of Easter told by our Year 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 classes.

After each assembly, we have come together in our Reception class and talked about what we noticed, what we felt and what we enjoyed about each classes assembly. It is safe to say that Reception were captivated each morning and were inspired by the stories told. This was seen during our play in Reception when friends re-created the scenes. We had the Palm Sunday scene represented through loose parts in our small world, alongside the Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane and crosses made for the Crucifixion. We decided to make Easter cards using sunrise colours to represent that ‘He is Risen’.

Let’s Celebrate…

At the end of each term, the children vote for who they think has demonstrated our learning characters. This time, Mrs Gregan asked all classes to think about those who have been reflective Lizzie Ladybirds. They were asked to choose children who have thought about their learning and have taken it even further:

Enthusiastic Learner: Poppy!
Poppy, your friends in Reception have noticed how you have been a brave and reflective learner this half term. They spoke about how each time you take on a challenge you think about how you can do it even better next time. You also think about the creations that you build and reflect on what materials or techniques could take your creation to the next level and your friends are always inspired by this. They love making things and taking on challenges along side you.
Well done Poppy!

Creative Learner: Jemima!
Jemima, when your friends in Reception spoke about you they spoke about how you have been a reflective Lizzie Ladybird with your writing. They noticed that you are thinking very carefully about the details you use and are taking your time with your letters. You even remember to use your purple pencil to show how you have noticed and thought about how you can fix a mistake; that is what being a Lizzie Ladybird is all about!
Well done Jemima!

Whole School Virtues - Loving and Compassionate: Kira!
Kira, each day you show love and compassion towards everyone in Receoption. But over the last few weeks you have been especially loving and compassionate to a new friend who has joined us in Reception. You have been a wonderful learning partner for them during our lessons and have helped to guide them through our routines in Reception. Thank you for being so loving and compassionate and so welcoming to our new friend.
Well done Kira!

Challenge Books!

Today, the children were very excited to bring home their challenge books! In these books you will find a special note from some of our learning characters and some letter formation / cvc word challenges (as discussed at the parents meetings).

Please could these books be kept in reading packets as we will add a new challenge each week.

It would be great if you could have a go at these challenges over the Easter break to keep those brains growing. I look forward to seeing them when we are back!

Important notices and reminders:

  • School is closed on Friday 29th and reopens on Monday 8th April.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a happy and Holy Easter
God Bless,
The Reception team