Welcome to a new and exciting school year at Our Lady Star of the Sea. We are delighted to welcome our Reception class into our very special Our Lady family as they embark on the start of their school journey.
Our Parent meetings are taking place on Tuesday 3rd September and Wednesday 4th September. These important meetings will provide valuable information about the year ahead, they help us to get to know your child before they start school and are also a wonderful opportunity for you to see the classroom environment and ask any questions you might have thought of during the summer break.
The children will have a phased start to school (morning or afternoon sessions) beginning Thursday 5th September. These shorter days will help your child to settle into their new environment, ensuring a smooth transition into full time school which will begin on Monday 16th September.
As you prepare for the first day, here are a few polite reminders which will help to ensure a smooth transition and that your child is ready for a successful year of learning:
Important Reminders:
Medical & Consent forms
It is extremely important that we have all the relevant and most up to date information for your child before they start school. If you have not done so already, these can be completed by clicking on the links below. We kindly ask that you do this before Tuesday 3rd September as this allows the opportunity to discuss any information at the parent meetings if necessary.
Photographs for Pick up
Please ensure that names and clear photographs of the adults who are permitted to collect your child from school are sent to Mrs Hartley before Tuesday 3rd September. These can be emailed to s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.ukClearly labelled uniform and belongings:
Items of clothing and personal belongings can easily get mixed up or go missing. Please ensure these are clearly labelled as this helps to return them to the correct family promptly.Uniform
Developing independence is an important part of our curriculum and something we encourage daily in Reception. To support with this, we recommend that children wear shoes that they can fasten by themselves (e.g. velcro instead of laces). We will always help the children when they need it, but being able to try first is a great way to develop these skills quickly. It is useful to continue practising this at home too!Items to bring daily:
Each child should bring a water bottle (standard size as we have limited space) and a blue school bag (again we have limited space in our cloakroom and kindly ask that the blue school bag is used as these fit on our pegs). Reading packets will be given out when the children start full time; these will need to be brought into school daily so we can read with the children in class.Art T-shirt
We are very excited to share that Reception will be engaging in weekly art lessons with Mrs Mathers. During these lessons they will have the opportunity to learn about various artists and to explore a variety of different media and materials. In order to keep uniforms as clean as possible, please send in a oversized art t-shirt that your child can wear over the top of their uniform. These need to be in school by Friday 13th September and will remain in school. Please ensure they are clearly labelled.
We look forward to meeting with parents and welcoming the children into school,
A magical year lies ahead!
God Bless,
The Reception Team