Year 3 Weekly Blog 3rd May - 'This year I am trying to spread smiles.' Phoebe

Class Worship
Our class worship on Wednesday, was led by Joseph, Lena and Phoebe. They shared their beautiful prayers giving thanks for things that are important to them and asking God to help guide them through their final term in Year 3. They read ‘Go into All the World’ Matthew 28 and we sang The Table and This is my Body. Next week, our class worship will be led Alice, Heath and Liam.
As May is the month of Mary, we will be spending a little time each week praying the Rosary. Children are welcome to bring their own Rosary beads if they wish.
In RE, this week we have made connections between the early Church and Church today -the children confidently identified the similarities - breaking bread, prayers, gathering together etc.
Our word of the week has been “connection”, How are we connected? What is the connection between past and our present? How is our previous learning connected to our current learning? It has led to questions that have deepened our learning and meaningful reflections.


The children had a great time on Wednesday morning playing team games with Mr Cornwell. They worked together in their house teams, competing against each other in a number of games that required them to communicate effectively and complete tasks. For each task they were awarded points, additional points were awarded for great listening. The winning team was Harcourt.

This week’s learning:

Maths: The children continue to amaze me each week with their mental maths knowledge and their abilty to transfer these mental skills to their written calculations. It’s been a tricky week but the children have been unfazed and welcomed the challenge of column subtraction with exchanging…..and they have smashed it!
It’s lovely to hear the whoops of excitement when I tell we are going to be learning a new skill -their enthusiasm is infectious. It is said that when a child is secure with a strategy or skill they are able to teach it to others - Isaac did a great job on Thursday leading and explaining to the class how to complete a column subtraction problem, well done Isaac you were amazing and explained so clearly.

English: We have spent the week planning our Roman stories ensuring that the skills we have been focusing on - fronted adverbials, speech marks and prepositions are woven in. Next week the children will spend time writing their first drafts.

Computing: For a few weeks we will be using Purple Mash to produce graph with data we have collected. On Wednesday, we collected data on favourite colours in our class before inputting this data into a chart on ‘2graph’, with the click of a button the children were able to see their data presented in a number of different types of graphs.

Design Technology: Over the last few weeks, the children have been designing and building vehicles in their design technology lessons with Mrs Neves. They have already built the chasis of their vehicle with wooden lolly sticks. This week’s the lesson involved lots of accurate measuring and cutting to ensure the roof of their vehicle fit perfectly.

Conversation starter…

What makes a good team?

Our theme in PE this half term has been teamwork. We have focused on what makes a good team and how sharing our skills can make a team successful.
Are you part of a team? What qualities do members of the team team bring to help make it a success? Do you play a team sport? Are you a Brownie or a Scout?
What qualities or skills do you bring to your team?


Lucia - For being a resilient mathematician. Lucia, we have been so impressed with your determination this week. You have found our Maths a little tricky but that has not deterred you from trying your best. You didn’t give up and instead put extra effort into growing your brain. It’s certainty paid off and we are so proud of you. Well done Lucia!

George L -You have been a true Bobby Bee this week. You put so much enthusiasm and effort into your maths work. You worked co-operatively with your learning partner and shared what you had learned knowledgably and with a confident smile. We can’t wait to see the brilliant work you do next week. Well done George!

This half term’s virtues are learned and wise.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Emilia.

Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Lettie
Marvelous Manners: Anna


  • Pencil cases - Over the last few weeks additional items have been making their way into children’s pencil cases. Novelty rubbers, pencil toppers, flashing keyrings are not suitable for the classroom and causing quite a distraction. Please save these for home use.

  • Sunglasses - Please do not send your children into school with sunglasses.

  • PE Days - Monday outdoor PE, Wednesday indoor PE. PE kits to be worn on these day, full school uniform the rest of the week unless your child has a sports club in the morning ie Judo on Friday.

  • Earrings - Must be removed for PE lessons, please do not send children in with tape or plasters to cover their earrings. If your child cannot remove earrings themselves please ensure they are removed at home before school.

Enjoy the bank holiday weekend!

Mrs Naylor, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely