Year 3 Weekly Blog 10th May - I came from the Father and have come into the world, and now I am leaving to the world and going to the Father' (John 16:28)

Class Worship
Our class worship on Wednesday, was led by Alice, Heath and Liam. They read ‘Go into All the World’ Matthew 28 and we sang The Table and All Glory Lord and Honor. Next week, our class worship will be led Hugo, Lettie and Mia-Grace.
Our word of the week has been “love” as a class we brainstormed and collected words that we associated with love, we can’t see love but we can feel and show love.
On Thursday, the whole school walked down to church for the Holy Day of Ascension, thank you to those who were able to walk with us to and from church.
This week we started to use our Rosaries and the children have all contributed to a beautiful Rosary display in the corridor outside our classroom.

This week’s learning:

Maths: We have come to the end of our column addition and subtraction units and have started to look at angles. Over the next 2 weeks we will be looking at right angles, identifying right angles in and around the classroom and looking at shapes that have right angles. It would be great if you could help the children spot right angles around the home - look out for the right angle monsters they will be bringing home!

English: The children have worked extremely hard on the first drafts of their ‘Queen Boudicca’s Revenge stories. I’m looking forward to reading them all over the weekend ready for the children to act upon feedback next week.

Computing: This week the children have carried out their own investigations and presnted their findings in graphs on ‘2graph’. Their investigations included ‘Favourite icecream flavours’, ‘Favourite Harry Potter books’, ‘Year 3 pets’ and ‘Hobbies of year 3 outside school’. As a class we’ve really enjoyed this unit and have already used the ‘2graph’ tool to make graphs in our French lesson!

French - Commet tu vas a lecle? How do you go to school?
The children were amazed to see how some children in different parts of the world get to school. Read all about them here - Six epic journeys to school
Their journeys made our travel arrangements to school look very tame and quite boring! The children spent time asking their year 3 friends how they got to school in french and recorded their finds in ‘2graph’.

Conversation starter…

This summer the Olympics are being held in Paris…if you were an athlete, what event would you participate in? Would you be part of a team or compete as an individual?

You can find a list of all the sporting events here


Nathan - a truly focused learner. Nathan always listens so carefully to his teachers, focuses during all his independent tasks and helps those around him. What an amazing learner you are Nathan - well done!

Alana -We have been impressed with your approach to all your learning especially maths. Your resilience is growing and you are showing the ability to keep on trying when learning tasks aren’t always easy - what a Sadie Spider. Well done!

This half term’s virtues are learned and wise.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Heath.

Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Rodnie
Marvelous Manners: Alice


  • Monday 17th June - Jim Jam Jog! - Sponsor forms will be sent home on Monday. More info can be found on Mrs Gregan’s Blog.

  • Pencil cases - Over the last few weeks additional items have been making their way into children’s pencil cases. Novelty rubbers, pencil toppers, flashing keyrings are not suitable for the classroom and causing quite a distraction. Please save these for home use.

  • Sunglasses - Please do not send your children into school with sunglasses.

  • PE Days - Monday outdoor PE, Wednesday indoor PE. PE kits to be worn on these day, full school uniform the rest of the week unless your child has a sports club in the morning ie Judo on Friday.

  • Earrings - Must be removed for PE lessons, please do not send children in with tape or plasters to cover their earrings. If your child cannot remove earrings themselves please ensure they are removed at home before school.

Have a lovely weekend! Enjoy the sunshine.

Mrs Naylor, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely