Year 3 Weekly Blog 14th June - "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James

Class Worship

Our class worship was led by Alana, Louisa and Lucia, they read “A miracle at the temple gate’ Acts 3,4 and we enjoyed singing Shine Jesus Shine. Our word of the week has been Growth, we read about how a tiny mustard seed grows into a huge tree and how this showed us the importance of something so small. We compared it to small acts of kidness that make peoples day, small jobs that add up to something much bigger and small words that often show love and kindness. Next week we will be planting our own tiny seeds and nurturing them to help them grow into something much bigger which we hope will bring you some joy.

In RE, we have heard how God spoke to Moses whilst he was caring for sheep and asked him to approach the Pharoah of Egypt and ask him to set his people free. What followed shocked us.. the ten plagues - I wonder if your children can remember them. Next week we will be acting them out.


This week’s learning:

Maths: We got straight back into right angles and recapped our learning from last half term. We have spent time cutting polygons on their diagonals and discovering what new shapes can be made.


English: Our new topic - Classical Poetry has got off to a great start. We have been looking at spiders! The children have found so many fantastic facts and filled out learning wall with information. We have also looked at spiders we know in poems, rhymes and stories and thought about their characteristics. I challenged the children to order their spider friends from good to evil but they had to explain their choices.


Computing: We’ve now added animations to our St Annes keynotes and explored how we can transition from slide to slide. They really are looking amazing.

Sports Day - Thank you to everyone who came and supported our sports day on Wednesday. The weather was on our side (I was a little worried) and the children had a fantastic afternoon.

On Thursday we took part in a very relaxing Yoga session, the children all took part and we left the hall feeling very sleepy. It was great to build on the yoga that we experienced at last years yoga day - ask your children to show you the breathing exercises we practised using our hands - great for regulating ourselves

History - This half term we will be looking at the Lancashire cotton industry. We began our unit looking at clothes, we used our detective skills to find what the clothes were made of and where they were made. The children were surprised to discover that many items of clothing travel such a long way across the world.

French - We used our French dictionaries to find the names of animal in french and whether they were masculine or feminine words - this makes a difference to the spelling of determiners in french.

Conversation starter…

Thinking about growth and the tiny mustard seed that grows into a huge tree, what small thing can you do that could ultimately have a big impact or make a huge difference.

This could be in school or at home, as an individual or as a family group.


Jackson - You have been a focused learner this week. You have worked your socks off and made sensible choices which has meant you have got the most out of every learning opportunity. You have shown consideration and kindness in and out of the classroom. Keep up the super work, we are proud of you!
Lettie - Lettie you have come back to school this week and shown what a wonderful friend and co-operative learner you are. You always listen so carefully to everyone contributions and questions because you know their ideas can help you grow your brain.When working with learning partners you always help and support them to achieve their best.

This half term’s virtues are Grateful and Generous.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Albert

Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Bea
Marvelous Manners: George C


  • Monday 17th June - Jim Jam Jog! - Come to school in your pajamas and take in our sponsored event.

  • Library Visit - Year 3 will be visiting St Annes Library on Thursday 20th June, please send your child in with their library card and any books they wish to return.

  • Glazey Days Trip - We will be painting tiles on Thursday 4th July at Glazey Days in Fleetwood - more info to follow.

  • Helmets- We are hoping to buy some scooters for outside use on the playground, for money we have won for being the BEST class at walking to school! (Well done) We are wondering if anyone has any spare helmets their children no longer wear that they could kindly donate?

  • Sunglasses - Please do not send your children into school with sunglasses.

  • PE Days - Monday outdoor PE, Wednesday indoor PE. PE kits to be worn on these day, full school uniform the rest of the week unless your child has a sports club in the morning ie Judo on Friday.

  • Earrings - Must be removed for PE lessons, please do not send children in with tape or plasters to cover their earrings. If your child cannot remove earrings themselves please ensure they are removed at home before school.

We have had an amazing first week back, I am sure the children will sleep well this weekend!

Mrs Naylor, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely