Year 3 Weekly Blog 21st June - In a world where you can be anything, be KIND!

Class Worship

Our class worship was led by Rosa, Scarlett and Ava, thank you for reading so beautifully and sharing your prayer with the class. Our word of the week has been 'Faith’, we spoke about what faith means and what it means to have faith in someone.

In RE, the children have retold the story of The 10 Plagues of Egypt and we heard about how Moses parted the sea and led God’s people to freedom.

Thank you for turning up bright and early, with your chidren in their jarmies, to support our Gym Jam Jog on Monday. What a fantastic morning it was, an amazing amount of money was raised. You can find more info on Mrs Gregan’s blog.

 This week’s learning:

Maths: We have spent sometime this week refreshing our knowledge of fractions and practised finding fractions of numbers.

 English: We’re really enjoying our English work, this week the children have listened to and watch the Spider and the Fly. We have picked out tricky vocabulary and found means to help understand the poem more clearly. We used ‘real’ dictionary instead of word hippo online - it was a real novelty! We spoke about how dictionaries are organised in alphabetical order and how this would help us find words quickly.

 Computing: Armed with the skills they have learnt over the last few weeks, the children have started making their own keynote presentations about spiders! I have been so impressed with how quick they are and how easy they make it look. Some children have even been having a go at home!

In PE, we have practised our underarm throwing, we used hoops as targets and tried to throw with control and accuracy. We’ve also started started our Rugby until, this week we focus on the swing throw, it was a little bit tricky afetr being so used to throwing round ball but we got there.

Music We began by listening to some Bollywood music, 'Knight Rider Bhangra' by Punjabi MC. It inspired us to create our own Rag (pronounced Rah-guh). A Rag is a series of notes which Indian music uses to create a tune. We used Glockenspiels and a set of given notes to improvise our own Rags.

RHE -  This session follows on from the previous two internet safety sessions, by moving into the real world and considering what physical contact is appropriate and inappropriate. The child have been introduced to the term abuse, there have been discussions about different kinds of abuse, including ‘abuse of private parts’. Children have been asked to think of trusted adults that they can talk to about any issues they may face. Further information about the session can be found on the parent portal here.

Conversation starter…

‘In a world where you can be anything be kind!’ I wore a t-shirt this week with this quote on, it’s one of my favourites.

Do you have a favourite or an inspiring quote? Who said your quote? What does it mean?


George C - You have impressed the adults in class this week with your learning attitude. You have asked some amazing questions and made great contributions to class discussions. At the library, you represented our school well, you spoke to the librarians politely and asked for their help to find a specific book. When they were unable to locate the book, you went on to order the book from another library ready to collect on your next visit. Your attitude and maturity really shone. Be proud of yourself George!

Liam - You are a fantastic learner Liam, as a class we always enjoy listening to your creative ideas. You often think outside of the box and give us alternative ways to think about our learning. Not only does this show your deep understanding, it enhances your friends learning too. Keep up the great work Liam, you are wonderful.

This half term’s virtues are Grateful and Generous.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Lettie

Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: George L
Marvelous Manners: Joseph


  • Glazey Days Trip - Payments to be made on Parentpay please- We will be painting tiles on Thursday 4th July at Glazey Days in Fleetwood.

  • Sunglasses - Please do not send your children into school with sunglasses.

  • PE Days - Monday outdoor PE, Wednesday indoor PE. PE kits to be worn on these day, full school uniform the rest of the week unless your child has a sports club in the morning ie Judo on Friday.

  • Earrings - Must be removed for PE lessons, please do not send children in with tape or plasters to cover their earrings. If your child cannot remove earrings themselves please ensure they are removed at home before school.

Have a lovely weekend, lets hope the weather stays!

Mrs Naylor, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely