Year 3 Weekly Blog 12th July - Shine Bright like a Diamond!

Class Worship this week was led by Louie, Myles and Ellie-Rose. Our word of the week has been proclaim. We read The Wednesday Word and heard how Jesus sent out the disciples in pair to spread the word of God and heal the sick.

 This week’s learning:

 English: Can we tempt you to come to Mr Spider’s Dinner Party? You will be served succulent maggots with a slug slime jus and a side of crispy mosquito wings!!!The children have loved writing gruesome menus suitable for Mr Spider and his arachnid friends.

Maths - We have revisited time, analogue and digital. We’ve been thinking about what time it would be if we added 10 more minutes, 20 minutes etc and what the time was 10 mins, 20 mins earlier etc. It would be great if you could ask your child time questions at home - keep this fresh in their minds.

 Computing: The children are microbit experts! This week we learnt how to write code to make the microbits respond to gestures like being shaken or turned over. Actions included playing sounds and showing pictures or writing on the LEDs.

RHE - The children spoke about how to respond to emergency situations. In small groups they acted out senarios, thinking about what the best course of action would be and who they would need to call for help.

Dominic’s Sports Festival - What an amazing afternoon! Thank you for all your kind donations.

Glazey Days Tiles - Tiles have been sent home tonight!

Conversation starter

Final week in year 3 incoming!!!
What are you looking forward to in Year 4?

Could you design a poster all about you to give to Mrs Lyons?


For being a determined learner. Lena, you have been so brave with your learning this week. You have challenged your  brain in maths and have not been afraid to have a go. Keep it up!

For being a focused and thoughtful learning partner. Lettie, this week you have been a considerate learner and have gone above and beyond to help others learn. What a superstar!

This half term’s virtues are Grateful and Generous.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to: Hugo

Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Ellie-Rose
Marvelous Manners: Isaac


  • Sunglasses - Please do not send your children into school with sunglasses.

  • PE Days - Monday outdoor PE, Wednesday indoor PE. PE kits to be worn on these day, full school uniform the rest of the week unless your child has a sports club in the morning ie Judo on Friday.

  • Earrings - Must be removed for PE lessons, please do not send children in with tape or plasters to cover their earrings. If your child cannot remove earrings themselves please ensure they are removed at home before school.

Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the football!
Mrs Naylor, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely