Year 5 Homework- Due 26th September

Compulsory Homework


A fantastic week of reading with the class reading over 600,000 just this week, taking our total to just under a million. With many children still needing to quiz- we can definitely hit our target.

Times Tables

Lots of TTRS to make sure we are super sharp and speedy on our times tables- these will come in handy this year. The children’s TTRS logins have been stuck on the inside of their homework books.


Our spellings have changed slightly in that we are aiming to achieve more retrieval across our spellings. The children have been given a spellings practice sheet, which is to be completed as evidence of practice. Each child has also been given two spelling test sheets to practice over the week in order to identify which words require more focus.

  1. one

  2. look

  3. build

  4. earth

  5. circle

  6. witches

  7. foxes

  8. bushes

  9. passes

  10. buzzes

  11. achieve

  12. category

  13. dictionary

  14. excellent

  15. nuisance

    Mrs Barker’s group

    1. play

    2. seek

    3. high

    4. all

    5. look

    6. one

    7. build

    8. earth

    9. circle

    10. witches

Optional Homework

Music- The Blues

Ask your parents if they are interested in any blues songs?

Play with ‘Expressions Test’ with them and see how similar/different your thoughts are with your family (starter activity in lessons)

Listen to some of the biggest/best blues songs to be made– can you choose a favourite and tell me why.

 History- Ancient Greeks

There are so many Ancient Greek Gods/Goddesses. All with amazing abilities and qualities.

Create a set of Top Trumps Cards– Ancient Gods Edition.

Choose your own stats and battle against your friends.

Science- Materials

Pick a material in your house and analyse its properties (ticks and crosses)

 examples of properties:

-Hard or Soft?

-Rough or Smooth?

- Transparent, Translucent or Opaque?



 My Happy Mind

Do your parents know about the different parts of the brain (HAP)? Can you teach them this so they can learn something new?

Happy Breathing is a technique used to calm us down when were stressed or scared. Teach your family how to do this and write down when you have used this technique



Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 19th September

Compulsory Homework


Nearly half of the class have now quizzed on a book and have begun their journey to their own personal reading targets. Lots of reading to be done this year as we begin on our journey to our end of year target- can you remember what it is?

Times Tables

Lots of TTRS to make sure we are super sharp and speedy on our times tables- these will come in handy this year. The children’s TTRS logins have been stuck on the inside of their homework books.


Our focus this week has been words containing the letter string ‘ough’. Lots of these words sound differently to each other so make sure you practice over the weekend so you feel confident next week.

  1. fought

  2. nought

  3. ought

  4. bought

  5. cough

  6. trough

  7. tough

  8. rough

  9. enough

  10. thorough

  11. dough

  12. drought

    Mrs Barker’s group

    1. there

    2. could

    3. house

    4. children

    5. looked

    6. little

    7. she

    8. that

    9. now

    10. her

Optional Homework


We have started learning about the Ancient Greeks. One of the most interesting topics that the children love about the Greeks are the vast amount of Gods that they had.

  • Research some of the different Gods of Ancient Greece and compare them to each other.

  • Choose your favourite Ancient Greek God and tell me why.

  • Ask your parents if they know any of the Ancient Greek Gods- do they have a favourite.

Year 5 Homework- Due on Thursday 12th September

Compulsory Homework


The children have completed their first STAR reader assessment of the year (I have been so impressed with the results!) and they all now have their ZPD scores. Lots of reading to be done this year as we begin on our journey to our end of year target- can you remember what it is?

Times Tables

Lots of TTRS to make sure we are super sharp and speedy on our times tables- these will come in handy this year. The children’s TTRS logins have been stuck on the inside of their homework books.


Our focus this week has been words containing the silent letter b. Lots of these words sound differently to each other so make sure you practice over the weekend so you feel confident next week.

  1. thumb

  2. numb

  3. crumb

  4. debt

  5. doubt

  6. limb

  7. climb

  8. tomb

  9. comb

  10. subtle

  11. lamb

  12. plumber

Optional Homework


We have started learning about the Ancient Greeks. One of the most interesting topics that the children love about the Greeks are the vast amount of Gods that they had.

  • Research some of the different Gods of Ancient Greece and compare them to each other.

  • Choose your favourite Ancient Greek God and tell me why.

  • Ask your parents if they know any of the Ancient Greek Gods- do they have a favourite.

Class Councilor

If you would like to be a class councilor and you haven’t already been one (excluding the COVID years) then feel free to prepare a speech to tell your class the following:

  • Why do you want to be a councilor?

  • Why should people vote for you?

  • What changes are you going to bring about?

  • What should a good class councilor do/don’t when in the job?

Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 18th July

Compulsory Homework


  1. competition

  2. criticise

  3. disastrous

  4. embarrassment

  5. environment

  6. government

  7. hinderance

  8. independence

  9. immediately

  10. sufficient


Every child has the second half of their grammar and punctuation booklet in their homework folders to complete (questions 24-50).


Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.


Final reading target of the year! Let’s go out with a bang and reach our target to top off an excellent year of reading.

Year 5 Weekly Homework- Due on Thursday 11th July

Compulsory Homework


  1. conscience

  2. conscious

  3. community

  4. environment

  5. especially

  6. foreign

  7. frequently

  8. guarantee

  9. immediately

  10. nuisance


Every child has a grammar and punctuation booklet in their homework folders to complete


Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.


Final reading target of the year! Let’s go out with a bang and reach our target to top off an excellent year of reading. The children will receive their new ZPD codes on Monday to help them pick books when in the library.

Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 4th July

Compulsory Homework


  1. temperature

  2. thorough

  3. twelfth

  4. variety

  5. vegetable

  6. vehicle

  7. yacht

  8. yoghurt

  9. independence

  10. determined

  11. soldier

  12. restaurant


The children’s weekly punctuation and grammar sheet has gone home with them and should be stuck in their homework books.


All children who have not ‘Gone Green’ yet, last few weeks of practice before the end of school. It is crucial that we ae going into Year 6 in September full of confidence with our times tables.


Have a check of how many words you have read this year? Are you happy with this? Can you set yourself one final target for the end of the year?

Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 20th June

Compulsory Homework


  1. sacrifice

  2. secretary

  3. shoulder

  4. signature

  5. sincere

  6. sincerely

  7. solider

  8. stomach

  9. sufficient

  10. suggest

  11. symbol

  12. system


Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.


Final reading target of the year! Let’s go out with a bang and reach our target to top off an excellent year of reading. The children will receive their new ZPD codes on Monday to help them pick books when in the library.

Year 5 Half Term Homework

Last chance to complete any of Summer 1’s optional homework. This can be documented/evidenced in a separate homework book marked ‘Learning Journal’. Please check last weeks blog to find these options.

Compulsory Homework


  1. privilege

  2. profession

  3. programme

  4. pronunciation

  5. punctuation

  6. queue

  7. recognise

  8. recommend

  9. relevant

  10. restaurant

  11. rhyme

  12. rhythm


The weekly SPAG sheet consisting of 10 questions has been stuck into the children’s homework books ready to complete.


Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.

Fractions will be our new unit of work after half term with lots to learn.

Z1- Fractions review

We have been doing lots of retrieval on percentages of amounts. Have a go at this IXL to keep our knowledge sharp. Remember these key rules:

10% (divide by 10)

1% (divide by 100)

50% = half

25% = quarter

HH9- Percent of a number


We have reached our class target of over 10,000,000 words for the year! Now it is time to focus on your own personal reading targets with only one half term to go!

Year 5 Homework 17.05.24

Homework will look slightly differently from now on, with us offering optional homework across the half term aimed at accessing the wider curriculum, engaging in fun and active tasks and to share your learning with your parents. Compulsory homework will still be live which will consist of:

  • Spellings

  • SPAG

  • Reading

  • Times Tables

The optional homework will have no deadline with this being optional but this can be documented/evidenced in a separate homework book marked ‘Learning Journal’.

Compulsory Homework


  1. mischievous

  2. muscle

  3. necessary

  4. neighbour

  5. nuisance

  6. occupy

  7. occur

  8. opportunity

  9. parliament

  10. persuade

  11. physical

  12. prejudice


The weekly SPAG sheet consisting of 10 questions has been stuck into the children’s homework books ready to complete.

Times Tables

Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.


We have really upped our reading this half term, with some children in the millionaire club, some doubling their word count for the year and lots of others making really good progress.

Year 5 Homework 10.05.24

Homework will look slightly differently from now on, with us offering optional homework across the half term aimed at accessing the wider curriculum, engaging in fun and active tasks and to share your learning with your parents. Compulsory homework will still be live which will consist of:

  • Spellings

  • SPAG

  • Reading

  • Times Tables

The optional homework will have no deadline with this being optional but this can be documented/evidenced in a separate homework book marked ‘Learning Journal’.

Compulsory Homework


  1. harass

  2. hinderance

  3. identity

  4. immediate

  5. immediately

  6. individual

  7. interfere

  8. interrupt

  9. language

  10. leisure

  11. lightning

  12. marvellous


The weekly SPAG sheet consisting of 10 questions has been stuck into the children’s homework books ready to complete.

Times Tables

Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.


We have really upped our reading this half term, with some children in the millionaire club, some doubling their word count for the year and lots of others making really good progress.

Year 5 Homework 03.05.24

Homework will look slightly differently from now on, with us offering optional homework across the half term aimed at accessing the wider curriculum, engaging in fun and active tasks and to share your learning with your parents. Compulsory homework will still be live which will consist of:

  • Spellings

  • SPAG

  • Reading

  • Times Tables

The optional homework will have no deadline with this being optional but this can be documented/evidenced in a separate homework book marked ‘Learning Journal’.

Compulsory Homework


  1. equipment

  2. especially

  3. exaggerate

  4. excellent

  5. existence

  6. explanation

  7. familiar

  8. foreign

  9. forty

  10. frequently

  11. government

  12. guarantee


The weekly SPAG sheet consisting of 10 questions has been stuck into the children’s homework books ready to complete.

Times Tables

Congratulations if you have ‘Gone Green’ on TTRS. Many of you are so close to getting green so keep practicing. If you are already green, focus on getting your time down to under one second- you know what the score to beat is! Check the new TTRS scoreboard just outside the create room.


We have really upped our reading this half term, with some children in the millionaire club, some doubling their word count for the year and lots of others making really good progress.

Year 5 Homework due Thursday 18th April


  1. accommodate

  2. accompany

  3. according

  4. achieve

  5. aggressive

  6. amateur

  7. ancient

  8. apparent

  9. appreciate

  10. attached

  11. available

  12. average


The children have been given a set of grammar and punctuation questions which have been stuck in their books.

Science- Materials

Pick an object/material in your house and analyse its properties by using the table to help you.

Year 5 Homework Due Thursday 28th March


Tricky words again for this week with the first 4 words being our new spellings and the rest are previous tricky words that we have done this year.

  1. bruise

  2. nuisance

  3. recognise

  4. criticise

  5. buoyancy

  6. fictitious

  7. superstitious

  8. immediately

  9. necessary

  10. receive

  11. determined

  12. obedience


Will be on IXL;

T1- Identify base words, prefixes and suffixes.

Y3- Use the correct homophone

Art- Poetry

Mrs Mather has set everyone the task of finding/writing your favourite poem in your homework books. You can either select a pre-written poem and stick/write this in your books or you can create your own.

Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 21st March


This weeks focus has been words ending in -cial or -tial that sounds like shul. Plenty of practice will be needed as some words have slighty different endings.

  1. official

  2. essential

  3. special

  4. partial

  5. social

  6. confidential

  7. artificial

  8. initial

  9. financial

  10. torrential

  11. crucial

  12. influential


We have been looking at rounding at our place value retrieval this week. Complete the following IXL. Jotting will be key to help working these questions out.

A13- Rounding: up to thousands place

Assembly Practice

Scripts have been handed out and stage direction has just begun so it is vital for children to practise their lines and to remember when to come in.

Year 5 Homework- Due 14th March


Our spelling focus this week has been silent letters. The first 6 spellings are our new words and contain a letter which is very quiet. The other 6 words are previous silent letter words that we have already learnt.

  1. average

  2. desperate

  3. temperature

  4. vegetable

  5. frequently

  6. equipment

  7. glisten

  8. whistle

  9. bustle

  10. thumb

  11. subtle

  12. debt


Will be on IXL;

  • H13- divide 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers

  • A10- Writing numbers up to one million in words: convert digits to words


In our discussion texts, we have been using facts to provide more information and to persuade our reader.

Remember- A fact is a statement that can be proven and is true.


  • R1- Distinguish facts from opinions

Science- Due on Monday

For our experiment on Monday, we will need some empty 2litre bottles and some empty milk bottles. We will be working in groups so as a class, if we had 10 of each bottle then that would be enough.

Year 5 Weekly Homework- Due 7th March


Just 10 spellings this week. The focus for this week has been words ending in -tious that sounds like ‘shus’. Spelling number 6 is a tricky one as it is a xious ending instead but it has the same sound.

  1. cautious

  2. infectious

  3. ambitious

  4. superstitious

  5. nutritious

  6. anxious

  7. scrumptious

  8. fictitious

  9. repetitious

  10. pretentious


Our times tables knowledge has been a great help for us in our short division lessons. We are getting speedier with these which is giving us more time to tackle the division problem. Games like TTRS and Hit the Button are brilliant for speedy times tables. Have a go at ‘Hit the Button’ and see if you can get over 20 (or even 30!). Tell me your highest score.


AR has been down this week due to a county update regarding the IP. AR should be up and running by Monday in which we should see plenty of children ready to quiz.

World Book Day- Thursday 7th March

World Book Day is soon upon us so make sure you have your costumes ready for the big day. We are all going to create our own story, simply from our imagination. You will need to bring in a ‘magical object’- This may include a magic feather, a magic stone, a magic jewel- get creative.

Year 5 Homework- Due Thursday 29th February


  1. convenience

  2. muscle

  3. disastrous

  4. neighbour

  5. interfere

  6. rhythm

  7. awkward

  8. familiar

  9. immediately

  10. curiosity

  11. receive

  12. hustle


We have just begun our big division topic which is closely related to our times tables. Regular times tables practice will be needed to help your child access the content. There are lots of fun times tables games to play online such as Hit the Button, Maths Bingo and TTRS.

Kindness Homework

As we have now swapped our Lenten boxes with our Year 2 partners, the children will now need to fill these boxes with money earned from acts of kindness. The children are to write a list of the acts of kindness they intend to carry out in order to raise money. This may also include doing some extra chores around the house to help you parents!

Year 5 Half Term Homework


We are currently at just over 4 million words as a class on our word count for the year. At Christmas, we set a target of 10 million words before the end of school in summer. We are currently halfway through the year so the more everyone reads- the closer we will get to the target!


This weeks focus has been words ending in ‘shus’ but spelt -cious. After half term, we will then be focusing on words with -tious endings so it is important we that we practice over half term to learn the difference.

  1. spacious

  2. vicious

  3. precious

  4. suspicious

  5. conscious

  6. delicious

  7. ferocious

  8. luscious

  9. malicious

  10. precocious

  11. atrocious

  12. pugnacious


We will be beginning our big multiplication and division topic after half term so it is vital that the children keep practicing their times tables over the week and they feel confident with all tables up to x12.


For anyone who has not finished their planets fan project- this will need to be competed over half term. The research side has all been done and it is onto the colouring and making of the fans.

They will need to make a small hole through the circle, which is at the bottom of each sheet. Then you will need to place a split pin through each sheet (one by one) to create the fan.

When you have finished, take a picture of your child with their fan project so that the photo can go in their book for evidence.

Lenten Boxes

Easter will soon be approaching us after half term so the children will need to make a lenten box in order to swap with another child. The children could use butter tubs, plastic container, small cardboard box- it’s up to you! (Just make sure it is fully cleaned first)

Here are some examples of last years to help you out.

Year 5 Homework Due Thursday 8th February


This weeks focus has been double letter words. The first 6 spellings are our new words from this week and the remaining 6 are previous words that we have learnt this year.

  1. immediately

  2. suggest

  3. marvellous

  4. necessary

  5. programme

  6. recommend

  7. accompany

  8. accommodate

  9. appreciate

  10. attached

  11. aggressive

  12. according


With only one week left until half term, the children should be aiming to finish their book so that they can get a new one for the half term- including a new target.

Science- daily interaction for the whole of February

Now the children have learnt the 8 phases of the moon, there homework will be to check each night which phase is currently in motion. This homework will begin on Thursday 1st February and the children will track this in their calendar. If you are going abroad somewhere in the southern hemisphere during half term, then make a note of this on your calendar and what the phase is in that country.