Advent - HOPE, PEACE and JOY

I cannot believe that I’m writing about Advent already! Today, after school, magical little elves visited the hall - one carrying a rather large tree! When the children return on Monday the office area and hall will have been transformed! At the heart of these decorations are the children’s Advent Promises. We have all had time this week to think about Advent- the season of reflective preparation. We may all be busy getting Christmas decorations and gifts ready - but we must never forget to be ready - to prepare our hearts for the overwhelming gift of God himself.

Last week was so very busy and inevitably we have followed it by fewer staged or external happenings this week but it would be a mistake to imagine that it has been anything less than extremely busy. All around school there are hives of activity from classes enjoying exciting learning to sounds of beautiful singing as our Nativities and Christmas concerts slowly start to take shape and a small amount of practising has begun. We never spend too long on this as we want the children to love what they do, sing with joy and enthusiasm as they celebrate the birth of that very special baby and communicate their delight with their families during the performances!

Mrs Nel has been very busy counting the money which you raised through your sponsors for our Sporting event with Stuart Robinson. How kind and generous everyone has been. Once the final amount has been made known, we will share it with you. Sport and the resilience children develop through playing, and through trying their best can make such a positive difference to their lives. We have inevitably been talking to the children about football this week as the World Cup started in Qatar – teachers have been talking to older children about different human rights issues and they have been so impressed with the children’s interest, understanding, and maturity – Mr Cornwell had some very rewarding discussions in Year 5.


We’ve been checking forms from the link attached to last week’s newsletter, for our Foundation Stage Nativity Play which is taking place on Wednesday 7th December and Thursday 8th December at 9:30. Well done, so far we have 21 responses from Nursery and 24 from Reception so we’re nearly there with ticket orders. We are putting the payment for tickets onto ParentPay today and parents are asked for a donation of £2 per ticket. You should only make payment when you have booked your tickets through last week’s newsletter form. You will need to use your ParentPay logins sent last week – if you already use ParentPay for a sibling, instructions are there, on the log in, to help you link accounts. Nursery parents are sending in cash, in named envelopes to Barbara and her team. We are preparing tickets to be sent out, in envelopes, via Reception and Nursery next week.

Re Key Stage 1 Nativity, it’s now time to request tickets for our 2 performances on Tuesday 13th December and Wednesday 14th December at 9:30. Each Y1 and Y2 family may have up to 4 tickets at £2 each across 2 performances (no more than 2 tickets per performance). We need the form—link attached—to be completed by you no later than Friday 2nd December. Payment can be made on ParentPay and tickets will then be sent out to those who’ve made payment and completed the form. We’ll send tickets out in envelopes via classes, the week beginning Monday 5th December.

We’d just like to remind everyone again that we have a maximum capacity of 120 ticketholders and with the stage plus 60 children, staff and then our audience, the Hall will inevitably be hot and somewhat crowded. We know how much everyone loves seeing their

little ones but advise you, particularly if there are any vulnerable family members, to be aware that this is a confined space. We shall of course be arranging a professional digital film to be made of the play, details will be sent later.


Do you need help with the cost of living?

We are aware that times are changing and we each find ourselves facing new challenges everyday. Here at school we are always here ready to listen and help. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need to. Last week we were contacted by the St Vincent de Paul Society. This charity is able to help anyone in need. If you require support with a bill or essential item they may be able to help. All they need is your name and the “purpose” of the grant. There is no requirement to pay anything back. If you need this help please ring Peter on 01253 721 481. If anyone is a little hesitant about this them do ring the office and speak to Mrs Hodges, as we have a good working relationship with the SVP and can hopefully reassure you. As you know everything is completely confidential within school, and we simply want to help if we can.

In relation to any financial worry we have created a link here we hope it is useful.

Curriculum Evening

Please enjoy this video that has been put together to celebrate our wonderful curriculum evening.

News Beyond the School

OLSS Panto – 1st to 3rd December This year the panto at OLSS Parish Centre is Sleeping Beauty It runs from 1st to 3rd December 2022. Performances are 7.30pm each evening with a matinee on Saturday starting 2.00pm. Tickets are £6 for Thursday night (no concession) or £8 (£7 concession) for Friday and Saturday (inc. Matinee). Tickets are available from Jeanette 07742590265 or from Storytellers on the Crescent.

Together let us make our school our school a special place in which we can prepare for Christmas and its very special message one of hope peace and joy!