"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase".

As we enter the second week of advent, the anticipation grows here in school. The hall is filled with nativity songs and the lights are twinkling. Miss Neves has creatively displayed the printed hands and artwork families produced at our “grateful and generous” station on curriculum evening. I have include pictures below. I know many of you will be able to see the display when you come to watch the nativities over the next fortnight - you are in for a real treat!

This week has seen classes disappearing on trips. On Monday Year 5 went outward bound at Lytham Hall and as I write, Year 3 and Year 4 are walking down to the parish centre to watch the pantomime- “Oh no they’re not!!!” “Oh yes they are!!!”

Teachers Retiring

There comes a time in everyone’s career when it is time to say goodbye to school. Teaching is a joyous job one full of unexpected moments, magical memories and much loved children. This Christmas, both Miss Brisco and Mrs Malley have decided to retire. These decisions have been taken with heavy hearts. In assembly today we shared the news. The children have experienced a lot of change in school recently, but every new arrival has been welcomed with open arms and each cherished member leaving has left a little piece of themselves with us. Once a member of the Our Lady’s family always a member. The children in Year 3 have received a special letter, this explains that our new teacher Mrs Marham will be teaching in Year 3 alongside Miss Bassett.

I’m sure you will want to wish Miss Brisco and Mrs Malley all the very best.


We had a very exciting and enthusiastic school council meeting today. The children would like the 9th of December (next Friday) to be a special day - a day when we think of those less fortunate than ourselves at Christmas. We would like every member of the school community to come dressed in Christmas colours. In return for this festive fun we like you to bring a donation of £1. We will pool all this money together to buy a CAFOD World Gift. The school council would like to buy the following: A cow, a goat, a chicken and a queen bee. There was much excitement as these gifts reminded the children of the animals in the stable.

Can you dress in Christmas colours and help?

Office News

Tickets for the Foundation Nativity (Nursery and Reception) plays have now been organised into small brown envelopes. Mrs Hodges and Mrs Shields have been checking and double checking to ensure everyone has the correct allocation. The children have been given the tickets to hand over to you - please check school bags! If you would like tickets for the Key Stage 1 Nativity on Tuesday 13th December or Wednesday the 14th December please click on the button below.


Well done Year 1!

News Beyond the School

Parish Event: If you are free tomorrow why not pop along to the parish pantomime Sleeping Beauty. It is the final performance day tomorrow: a matinee 2.00pm and evening performance at 7:00pm Tickets £8. Tickets are available from Jeanette 07742590265 or from Storytellers on the Crescent.

Fylde Rugby have a Christmas rugby & multi-sport camp coming up on the dates of the 20th/21st and 22nd of December. Please press here for more details

Warm Spaces
There are lots of warm spaces around Fylde this winter . Why not visit one with friends, have a brew, play a game, or have a chat? All the while saving money on heating your home and it's completely free! Click here for a list of local warm spaces!

Do you need help with the cost of living?

We are aware that times are changing and we each find ourselves facing new challenges everyday. Here at school we are always here ready to listen and help. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need to. Last week we were contacted by the St Vincent de Paul Society. This charity is able to help anyone in need. If you require support with a bill or essential item they may be able to help. All they need is your name and the “purpose” of the grant. There is no requirement to pay anything back. If you need this help please ring Peter on 01253 721 481. If anyone is a little hesitant about this them do ring the office and speak to Mrs Hodges, as we have a good working relationship with the SVP and can hopefully reassure you. As you know everything is completely confidential within school, and we simply want to help if we can.

In relation to any financial worry we have created a link here we hope it is useful.

This Gospel - Second Week of Advent.

If you have a moment to stop and reflect here is this weeks Gospel to guide and support

Dear all have a wonderful weekend with family and friends.