"You have filled my heart with greater Joy" Psalm 4:7

As the third week of Advent begins, we reflect on the joy Jesus’ birth brings into the world and there was no better word than JOY to describe our Foundation nativity performances this week. It was simply magical to watch the children. I have never had the privilege of watching alongside parents and grandparents and what a joy it was - the highlight of my Christmas so far! Thank you for being a wonderful audience and for all your kind words!

Joy to the world!

On a number of occasions this week the school has been half empty! Key Stage 2 have been practising their concert in church and on Wednesday -Years 5, 3 and 1 walked to Mass together. Year 5 looked after the younger children so attentively - thank you Year 5. Today half of Year 1 disappeared for their Geography fieldtrip and Year 2 are buzzing with excitement - they can’t wait to perform their play next week!

Assembly today was a riot of colour as we all came to school in Christmas colours! We have so far raised £178 just short of our total - with a few pounds coming in a little later. Thank you so much children- Mrs Shields will order the animals on Tuesday!

Next week we have our Year 1 and 2 Nativity on Tuesday and Wednesday morning at 9:30am. All tickets have been sent out with the children - please check school bags. On Thursday the whole of Key Stage 2 will be performing at church at 2pm and 7pm. After this on the Friday, the Key Stage 2 children will have their Christmas party! Please check your child’s class blog as there is a lot more going on!

Christmas Dinner Monday 19th December

Our annual Christmas dinner fast approaches. All the staff join the children in a festive feast! It is important that we know the precise numbers for Jacqui, our wonderful chef! Could you please take a few seconds to complete the form below for your child- please click on the correct class. The meal is free for Key Stage 1 and those children on free school meals. For Key Stage 2 the meal is £2:40 - this can be paid in advance on ParentPay.

Please complete the form whether it is a yes for a meal or a no -

that would really help us!

Office News


If you would like to download the Foundation Nativity or the Key Stage 1 Nativity and keep it digitally for ever, please pay on Parent Pay:

Foundation £10

Year 1 and Year 2 £12

Following payment, Mrs Hodges will receive the codes that final Monday, 19th December, from Ed Greenberg our film maker and will send you an envelope containing what you need to download over the internet.


A note to all prospective parents: the closing date for primary school applications is 15th January 2023. Please ensure that if you are applying, and using faith as the basis for your application, that you have completed the supplementary form which can be found under admissions on the website and dropped it off into the school office, along with a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate. Please don’t delay bringing in the supplementary form if you have mislaid the baptismal certificate.

Gifts for Staff

Please note that every year we remind parents that there is never an expectation that gifts are given at Christmas in school. This is very pertinent this year, many of us find ourselves financially stretched and it can be hard for children to see gifts being given when their family is not able. Making a teacher a card or hand made gift that cost nothing - is magical. Every year when I decorate my tree I take out of the decorations box, a small stocking a child sewed for me years and years ago - I love that little stocking!

Staff changes for Year 2 and 3 - Dear Year 2 and 3 Parents - please read your class blog as there is important information in relation to who will be teaching your child in the new year.

School closes - Please note that school and nursery close at 2pm and 2:10pm on the last Day, Tuesday 20th December


We have had some sickness this week - but we are all soldiering on!


Well done Year 3!

News Beyond the School

Parish Events

Saying Goodbye

Our Deacon Bill is relocating to be near his growing family. Bill and his lovely wife Julie are having a leaving party on 10th December from 6 to 9pm in the Parish Centre. The whole family is welcome and a free buffet will be provided along with music from Bill’s band ‘The Jags’. Please do come along to meet other parishioners at this special time of the year.

Food Bank

Thank you for your generous donations which were extremely appreciated by the Wesley’s Larder at the Methodist Church, please keep donating items shown on the list by the boxes. Wesley’s Larder is open to local people to collect food Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 11.30am to 1.30pm while the associated community café is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 9.30am to 1.00pm to feed the community for free. Everyone’s welcome and one of the Café’s aims is to combat loneliness. More details on the Parish website.

Affordable Warmth Grant
 A new scheme to help vulnerable residents in Fylde keep their homes warm is now available.
The Affordable Warmth Grant allows qualifying residents to apply for up to £2,000 per household. 

Advent - Wednesday word

Take a moment away from the crowds, the parties and the stresses of Christmas and listen to his word.

Finally, there have been many moments this term when as an Acting Head teacher I have needed time to stop and think before making decisions- I was not expecting to have to deal with a wayward swan! I just want to say a massive thank to Mr Couch for keeping us and the swan safe. We returned this morning and he had flown.

Have a wonderful weekend.

God Bless - only 7 more school days.