Star of Wonder Star of Night Guide us to your Perfect Light

What joy has filled our school this week as Year 1 and Year 2 children performed their beautiful nativity! Every song was sung with love and every word spoken with meaning. It was so heart-warming to see the children helping one another throughout. A special thank you too to the wonderful audiences - it was a beautiful community occasion.

Following these wonderful performances, on Thursday our Key Stage 2 children filled the altar at church with song, celebration and words of comfort. There really is nothing like the voices of children at Christmas. The whole event felt like the star being placed on the top of the Christmas tree and we are all ready for the Big Day!

The children have found themselves on “ice play”! We regularly have “wet play” when the rain comes, but I can’t remember a time when the ice on the playground was so bad! Luckily on Wednesday and Thursday, the sun came out and eventually the ice melted away from the concrete. The field, on the other hand, remained a beautiful festive white.

Even though we have celebrated a great deal this week, the children have continued with their learning. Year 4 took a trip to the university in Preston to explore their new science topic - “materials” and Reception have been recounting the story of the nativity for their beautiful RE floor book. I have also spotted the writing of reports in Year 3 and lots of maths in Years 5 and 6.

Finally, There was a real buzz of excitement as our legendary Key Stage 2 Christmas Party took place back in the hall!! All the juniors were together to party for the first time since 2019!! We played party games and danced the morning away! What a great end to the week! Key Stage 1 will have their Christmas Party on Monday and I’m hopeful that a very special guest may come!

Our Lady Stars!

Our lady Stars

Office News


If you would like to download the Foundation Nativity or the Key Stage 1 Nativity and keep it digitally for ever, please pay on Parent Pay:

Foundation £10

Year 1 and Year 2 £12

Following payment, Mrs Hodges will receive the codes that final Monday, 19th December, from Ed Greenberg our film maker and will send you an envelope containing what you need to download over the internet.


A note to all prospective parents: the closing date for primary school applications is 15th January 2023. Please ensure that if you are applying, and using faith as the basis for your application, that you have completed the supplementary form which can be found under admissions on the website and dropped it off into the school office, along with a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate. Please don’t delay bringing in the supplementary form if you have mislaid the baptismal certificate.

Dinner Money - The Dinner Money is £67.20 for our next half -term. Please can we ensure that anyone taking dinners in January is in credit as we start the term and that payment is made in advance. Thank you so much - so many of you do this already and it is appreciated.

Gifts for Staff

Please note that every year we remind parents that there is never an expectation that gifts are given at Christmas in school. This is very pertinent this year, many of us find ourselves financially stretched and it can be hard for children to see gifts being given when their family is struggling. Making a teacher a card or hand made gift that costs nothing - is magical.

School and Nursery close on Tuesday 20th December - Please note that school and nursery close at 2pm and 2:10pm on our final day.

Housepoint Winners!

HARCOURT have won after a close fought race!

That means Harcourt can come to school on Tuesday in their house colours! Well done!!



Well done Year 3 and Year 5!

Important Reminder

Earlier this term we notified you of changes to our Food Management Policy. We understand that we can never guarantee a nut free school but we are managing this with a policy that asks all community member not to bring nut snacks, this includes peanut butter. I have attached the Food Management Policy here and the schools snack list as a reminder for the new year.

Keeping Christ at the centre of our Christmas celebration

As we approach the end of term on Tuesday - there will be many plans a-foot. We have placed the Mass times here for you too. It would be lovely to fill the church with our families on Christmas Eve at 4pm (family mass).

CHRISTMAS EVE Masses at 4.00pm (Family Mass) & 8.00pm

CHRISTMAS DAY Masses at 9.30am (Family Mass) & 11.00am There will be carols sung at all Masses.

There will be Children’s Liturgy at 9.30am on Christmas Day and the 4.00pm Mass on Christmas Eve will be a Family Mass.