"Compassion is the wish to see others free from suffering" Dalai Lama

What an end to the week! We had biblical rain this evening - none of us escaped!

The rain however did not dampen our enthusiasm for learning. I bumped into a group of very concerned Year One children this afternoon, they were on the hunt for a criminal. Someone had entered their classroom overnight and squished and nibbled the fruit family! They had made some excellent ‘Wanted’ posters - they are all over schoo! - I’ll let you know if they catch the culprit!

On Tuesday our lovely Year 6 performed a very thought provoking assembly sharing their vision of a school full of warmth and care. It was something we strive to achieve every day. Thank you Year 6. Later that day, there was much excitement as our older children went off to play football and netball. Everyone gave their absolute best and I believe there was an impressive victory for the footballers - Mrs Gregan was very excited!

Next week, on Tuesday 4th October, our Year 2 children will be performing their assembly (9:10/9:35) and we can’t wait to see what they will come up with.

Now brace yourself for a list of important information:

Parents Day Friday 21st October (except Year 1)

-you are invited to book an online appointment to meet your

child’s class teacher.

Year 1 Parents Day - Monday 17th October

Please make sure that your details are accurate and please type the legal names used to register your child (thank you).

Harvest Mass-

The children will be celebrating Mass with the Parish on Monday 17th October 9:30am. Before we attend this service we try to collect foods for the many in need in our community. We have contacted our local food bank and they gave us a list of items which would be so gratefully received. Each class has been given an item and together we hope to collect them and make a display of our produce in our worship areas in class.

Please see the chart for your class item - all donations are so appreciated especially in these tough times.


The children will be having their photographs taken in school on Wednesday 12th October. The children will have an individual photo and another with their siblings who attend school. Reception and Year 6 will have a whole class photograph to mark the beginning and end of their school journey at Our Lady Star of the Sea.


You will have received a text message this week about the Nasal Flu Vaccine. The booking for this is on each class blog page. We always have a really good take up for this vaccination - flu is such a nasty illness. Please do let us know if you have any problems with the booking - those who’ve reported back so far said that they found it very straightforward but let us know if you have an issue.


Here is the Gospel of the week for you to share as a family and a little reminder too that October is the month of Our Lady. In school, dedicated as we are to Our Lady Star of the Sea, we will be praying the Rosary. The children have been asked to bring in their Rosary Beads.


We have had some lovely interactions with parents this week and it was our great joy to see so many Year 6 parents come in and enjoy the wonderful assembly. It’s so long since parents came in that we just need to remind you of our safety and safeguarding protocols in school and we ask parents please not to bring drinks in. In line too with our mobile phone policy, all phones must be switched off on school premises. Thank you for this - we don’t like to be constantly reminding everyone and policing these rules when we are so happy to be welcoming you back in!

On another note with dinners, there is no doubt, the numbers of dinner arrears have fallen for which we are very appreciative. After the recent entries we’ve made on our section of the newsletter about arrears, we are texting anyone in debit to explain that if accounts are not in credit by Sunday evening/first thing Monday morning, pre school, we will only serve further dinners when the situation is rectified. If anyone has any problem, they can always call us in the office for a discreet word - we wouldn’t want to see anyone in distress but we have been asked by LCC to tighten up as our debts were running too high.

Attendance - Year 5 winners with 99%

Every day matters


Family Parish Gathering this Sunday after 11 o’clock mass.

Press on the Parish link below to find out more.

Why not join a local Ramble for charity. We will be coming to school in our pajamas in November to support our local children at Brian House too!

Have a restful and family filled weekend. Can you believe that tomorrow is 1st October and we are well and truly into Autumn now. God Bless you all.