'I’ve grown most not from victories, but setbacks. If winning is God’s reward, then losing is how He teaches us.' – Serena Williams

It was a strange but poignant start to the week. We hope you were all able to reflect in your own way on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the historical events we witnessed.

On Tuesday, it was lovely to see all the children coming to school, all bright and breezy and full of enthusiasm. What made it very special was the arrival of our new Reception children all coming together for their first week of full days. Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who excitedly led their siblings round to Mrs Hartley and another thank you to our four lovely Year 6 helpers who manned the gates this week - helping guide and support. I know these small acts of loving kindness will have made school feel welcoming and safe to our newest and youngest children.

I had the privilege this week of attending every class council. I have watched the new class councillors guiding their peers in interesting and thought provoking discussion. I went along to ask the children to help me write “golden rules” for our playtimes. It was clear that we needed slightly different rules in relation to the trim trail depending on the age of the class. However, we did agree on shared rules that help us keep the playground feeling safe and fun. Not only did I enjoy the council sessions I have witnessed a great deal of purposeful and exciting learning. Reception have leant routines, Year 1 and 3 are all excited about maths. Year 2 are making graffiti in art, Year 4 are getting lost in words, Year 5 are playing rugby and rounding numbers and Year 6 are practising their assembly for next week!

Talking of assemblies, why not watch the inspirational film we shared together in assembly this morning! It made us all think deeply about the two virtues we are seeking to practice, love and compassion.

Finally, thank you to all the parents who came along to the Key Stage 2 Induction Evening - it has been wonderful to have parents in school. Please remember every member of staff is here, ready to help with any question or concern.


It’s been a busy week as always in the office, getting new routines up and running. We’re sorry to have to mention dinner money again as we still have people starting the week in debit. We’re so grateful to the many people who pay on time and are always in credit. If you receive a text about overdue dinner money, please can you ensure that the arrears we text you, PLUS next week’s dinner money, are paid by first thing Monday morning. Hopefully they will be - we’ve explained previously in our Office News that LCC Finance Office said we had to suspend dinners if they were in debit and we will have to start doing that next Friday and ask anyone whose child is in debit to bring a packed lunch on the following Monday. As always, we are sensitive to anyone in need and you can always approach the office if there is a concern.

Please can we thank you so much for all the efforts you are making to ensure that your children have everything they need for the day. We are getting far fewer forgotten things being brought in and far fewer phone calls being made to enquire about clubs and groups and activities so we think you are all doing a great job, keeping up with class blogs and the newsletter. Well done everyone! Have a lovely weekend.



For prospective parents of children for Reception class, September 2023, we have two open afternoons here at school. These will take place on:

Wednesday 12th October 2022 2pm - 3pm

Wednesday 2nd November 2022 2pm - 3pm

Our Year 6 children will take parents on a tour through the school. Visitors will see the children and staff busy learning together and are very welcome to gather at the end of the tour and ask any questions about the application process.

Please ring the School Office on 01253 726 015 for a time (15 minute intervals) for each tour and we have appointments at 2pm, 2:15pm, 2:30pm and 2:45pm on both days..

News Beyond the School

Job Vacancy : St Thomas’ Breakfast and After School club. The job involves working at both clubs (before and after school, hours to be arranged). If you have a child at school they can attend the club at no cost. Previous employment with children is desirable but not essential. To apply, text Mrs Sayer 07757 360 397

Please check out the Parish newsletter on the button just below this school post. Here you will find all the events taking place in the coming few weeks. These include:

Quiz Nights

Coffee mornings

film club

Parish Family gathering Sunday October 2nd 12:00pm

The gospel of the week to share as a family

From all the staff, do have a peaceful and happy weekend. Saturday looks like a better day than Sunday when showers are forecast. Hope that you can have some relaxing time with your families, enjoying the start of autumn.