“Being of service to others is what brings true happiness.”

What a wonderful and busy week we have had in school. The children are settling in brilliantly and there is a great deal of learning taking place. School will be closed on Monday as a mark of respect to our dear late Queen. Monday will offer a unique opportunity for the children to see some of the historic traditions and customs that make our nation so distinctive. We can also practise being compassionate as we stand with our fellow citizens and the Royal Family, saying good bye to someone who was deeply loved.

Our annual leadership assembly took place today. Inspired by our Queen, the Year 6 children took on a wide variety of responsibilities. They will have the opportunity to fulfil the roles awarded to them, leading our community and sharing with the younger children a deeper and growing understanding of our school ethos. Congratulations Year 6, the staff are all excited about working alongside you.

I was asked this week if there was a special mass for the Queen in church at the weekend. There is Mass on Monday at 9:30am and I know that at each Mass Father Peter has shared a beautiful prayer for Her Majesty - I have placed it at the bottom of this letter. We have also moved the Parish Newsletter to our Discover page so that you can easily find out what is happening in our Parish family.

Our Reception children, who have had a wonderfully creative week, will be joining us full time from Tuesday. Mrs Hartley has created a very comprehensive class blog for all Reception parents. Here you will find everything you need to know for next week and a super film!. In the hall we have a marvellous display - each new child has painted a self portrait - there are 30 smiling faces!

Please visit your child’s class blog for information about: learning, clubs and awards. Please note that football practice will take place after school on Tuesday. A quick thank you too to all the parents that joined us in Key Stage 1 for the induction evening. We look forward to welcoming Key Stage 2 parents this coming Wednesday at 6:00pm.


For prospective parents we have two open afternoons here at school. These will take place on:

Wednesday 12th October 2022 2pm - 3pm

Wednesday 2nd November 2022 2pm - 3pm

Our Year 6 children will take parents on a tour through the school. Visitors will see the children and staff busy learning together.

Office News


Please be aware that no one, other than Staff, should be walking through our Staff Car Park. The small gate on Kenilworth Road which leads directly to the Office will now remain open should you need to visit School or if you arrive after the entry gates have been locked.

Please ensure that you are able to attend our KS2 Meet the Teacher Evening on Wednesday 21st September at 6pm. This is such a useful occasion at which you can hear about plans for the year, ask questions and get all information needed to help support your child on their journey through their new year group. We always ask, if you have a child in Year 6 and a clash of meetings, please attend the Year 6 meeting and we’ll do our best to fill you in on whatever has been missed in another class.

We’re very grateful to the many parents who sorted out dinner money this week. Unfortunately, we still have some arrears but hopefully these will be settled this weekend.

Attendance percentage

Year 5 and 6 Parents

There is another meeting next week for parents of Year 5 and Year 6 children and this is at St Bede’s from whom we’ve only just heard regarding an Open Evening there from 6-8:30pm next Thursday. Their Head teacher, Mr Marsden will address prospective parents at 6:30 and 7:30 in St Bede’s School Hall.

News beyond the school

Please read the Parish News Letter. Here you will find information about services; food banks and social events. Speaking of social events, The Royal Shakespeare Company will be performing at The Grand Theatre in Blackpool 29 Sep - 1 Oct . This is a Close Encounter production of Twelfth Night - especially produced with children in mind. Click on the image to link to the box office

Please enjoy time with family during this historic weekend.

Almighty God, You are the author and sustainer of all human life; grant that your servant, Elizabeth our Queen, whom you granted a long and happy reign as Monarch of these lands may be forgiven her sins and rewarded with that eternal life promised to all those born again in the water of baptism and power of your Spirit. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit God, forever and ever.
