“Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.” – Martin Luther King, Jr

It is hard to know what to write. The news of the passing of our dear Queen Elizabeth II has been felt so deeply since its announcement. We have celebrated her life today in assembly- a life full of humility and service. Our children have respectfully honored her in song and prayer.

May she rest in peace.

The end of the week has felt sombre and reflective, in contrast to the beginning when the children returned to school full of joy and enthusiasm. Friendships have been re-established and routines are in full swing. We have welcomed new staff to the family too, the children have embraced each new adult, making everyone feel appreciated and valued. On Wednesday we welcomed our new Reception children. Our Early Years Team have loved getting to know each child and I witnessed some wonderful play. Mrs Hartley was teaching the children all about our learning character Roger Robin who works and plays wonderfully with others. It was clear from the obstacle course recreated in Reception that the children were working hard as a team. At the other end of the school, Year 6 have been busy writing letters to the Head teacher in response to the call to serve our community.

On Thursday, we came together to celebrate Our Lady’s birthday at Mass. It was the first time we have been able to start our new school year with a Mass at church since 2019. It was lovely to begin the year alongside our extended parish family. I must tell you that at the end of Mass a member of the congregation came to express his gratitude to the children for their beautiful reading and singing. He also praised their behaviour which was impeccable.

Next week we welcome parents in Years 1 and 2 to our induction evening (Wednesday 14th at 6pm). This is an opportunity for you to visit your child’s classroom and to meet their new teacher. It would be lovely for you to meet our new staff - making your self known, they would really appreciate your presence. Key stage 2 meetings for Year 3-6 will take part the following week (Wednesday 21st at 6pm).

As we do every year, we ask you to complete an updated Medical Form, Consent Form and a Home School Agreement. These are going live today on your child’s class blog. If you have more than one child please can you ensure that you complete the form on the correct class page - they are collated in class groups. This would avoid any child popping up on a form in the wrong year group! Thank you.

Finally, clubs begin next week: dance, football, netball and choir. Please read your class blogs carefully for year group eligibility, dates and times.

Office News

It’s been so lovely seeing the children back and this year we’ve had the joy of welcoming in our new Reception parents when they arrived to have meetings with Mrs Hartley. Everyone has been so good at leaving messages on our phone and reporting absences on the form, it’s been a great start.

School dinners this year have risen to £2.40 each or £12 per week, if taken daily. The charge for this half-term is £81.60 up to and including 20th October. Sadly, we have come to the end of our first week and 36 people are in debit already, 10 of those debts having carried forward from summer term, despite reminders.

We cannot emphasise too strongly that dinners MUST be paid for in advance and our Finance Officer from LCC says we must not allow dinners to be more than one week in arrears before we suspend the account. Please can we ask you to support us in this - we will text you the amount outstanding as at today and please pay any arrears PLUS next week’s dinner payment by Sunday so that you are in credit for the new week. Unfortunately it is simply not enough to pay arrears and then have a dinner on Monday without payment. Also, please know that if anyone is in difficulties, they must come privately to speak to us - any conversations we have are in strictest confidence and only known to the Head and ourselves.


This week the average total class attendance figure is 98.7% and is well within our hoped for aim of between 97 and 100% attendance for each class. Reception Class and Y5 have 100% attendance and the lowest attendance figure amongst our year groups is 96%. Parents you should be so proud! You’ve brought your children into school, so punctually, so smart and keen and ready to learn - you could not have given them a better start and it is so appreciated.

Family Prayer

The Gospel this week is the Lost Sheep. An opportunity to reflect on God’s deep love for each of us no matter how far we travel away from him.

News Beyond School:

On Sunday October 2nd there will be a Parish Family Gathering following the 11am Mass - all families are so welcome.

God Bless all - have a lovely weekend - from all the staff here at Our Lady Star of the Sea.