“A loving heart, determination, faith, courage, trust, belief, truth, and a solid soul create the wings with which we fly.”

GIVE, ACT and PRAY, these are our key words as we journey through Lent and towards the cross of Jesus. In today’s assembly, we looked at the story of the woman whose heart was starved of love. A woman who had been looked down upon by her own community and made to feel small. Jesus reminded her that He loved her, that if she believed in Him, her heart would never thirst for love again.

Over the past week, each class has finalised how they are going to raise money for CAFOD this Lent. Next week, various classes of children are taking part in missions across St Annes with the hope of bringing a smile to the faces of our community. Some classes are litter picking on the beach, others are creating posters to put up via the Park Rangers and one class is creating pebble art to place in the parks around our school. We never want anyone’s heart to feel starved of love. Anything we can do to help our local and global community, we strive to do. Please support your child at home with their sponsor form. Let’s see just how much money we can raise.

Year 6 are hosting a cake sale next week. The children can bring in 50p to buy a cake.

Monday 20th March - KS1 cake sale.

Tuesday 21st March - KS2 cake sale.

In addition to the sponsored events, the student council have decided to bring back an old, Our Lady tradition - THE EGG DECORATING COMPETITON. For £1 entry fee, the children need to bring in a boiled, decorated egg for the competition. Let your imagination go wild. Could the egg be a character in a scene? Or have a specific pattern? Think creatively. The student council will be judging the winners from their paired class. There may even be a large chocolatey prize for the winners.

A reminder about assembly dates:

  • Tuesday 21st March - Year 1 Assembly at 9.10am and 9.35am

  • Friday 31st March - Year 2 Palm Sunday Worship - 9.15am

  • Monday 3rd April - Year 3 The Last Supper Worship - 9.15am

  • Tuesday 4th April - Year 4 Garden of Gethsemane Worship - 9.15am

  • Wednesday 5th April - Year 5 The Crucifixion Worship - 9.15am

  • Thursday 6th April - Year 6 The Resurrection Worship - 9.15am

We hope that you will be able to join us as we make our own journey to the cross.

I always say that we are a learning community. On Monday evening, the staff took part in a 3 hour training session for emergency first aid. There was CPR, bandages, slings and recovery positions all over the place. Thank you to all of the staff who attended their 3 year training, you are continuing to help keep our community safe.

During this term, we are all busy evaluating our curriculum and looking for ways in which it can be tweaked and improved. I have had a lovely week popping in and out of classes; just to see what the children are up to. Year 5 were busy planning their writing ready to write a sci-fi story, Reception have been heading outdoors as part of Ranger School to see what minibeasts they could spot, Year 2 have been learning about the RNLI, ready to write a non-chronological report and Year 3 heard the sound of a Roman army approaching - the Celts had to take cover! The children have all been telling me just what they enjoy about their subjects - and what they can remember. I love seeing learning through the eyes of our children.

Role Models of the Week

Role Models who have demonstrated virtues this week.

Our Whole School learning Role Models for this week.


Well done Year 2 with an attendance of 100% - a full house! Our whole school attendance this week is 96.6%.

Office News

As we approach the end of the Spring term (how can that be?) we are just going to ask you to be very helpful, please check where you are at on ParentPay for dinner money payments etc - we have a few historic payments still due for dinners and for trips and it’s such a boost for us if you can clear these before we come with our reminders! It may not seem like it but we promise that our least favourite activity is chasing for money. Believe us, it’s not just you, we have to do this with staff too and we are always apologising for saying ‘Good morning’ and then straight after, trying to collect money!

We’ve had happy news this week which is that Andrew our caretaker has become a dad again for the second time, after a gap of 9 years and he and his lovely wife Deana have had a beautiful baby boy, Deandre. Mum and baby are well which is great news. Congratulations from us all to the Malicdem family!

This button will take you to the Family Network Directory. There is a recent newsletter on it which has links to some Spring events for children and families with additional needs. There are a few key dates and lots of events happening. Why not take a look?

Fingers crossed that the sun continues to shine this weekend. It’s a very special weekend for all the wonderful Mums in our community and we hope that each one of you is celebrated as you deserve. Enjoy this special weekend together with your families.

God Bless

Mrs Gregan