“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”

Lent can often be a solemn and reflective time. We know what is coming and how we will feel when we arrive at the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. On Friday next week, we will be starting our own journey to the Cross as our Year 2 children depict Palm Sunday. We often think of this day as a joyful one, full of praise and excitement. However, we soon come to realise just why Jesus has arrived in Jerusalem as from there, he moves ever closer to the desolation and pain of His Crucifixion and thankfully then to His glorious Resurrection.. During the period of Lent, each class has booked time to visit Mass alongside Father Peter. This week our Reception children walked down to church with Year 6, and our Year 1 and 2 children walked with Year 5. It was lovely to see the children being so reverent; listening so carefully to the messages that Father Peter was giving.

A reminder about assembly dates:

  • Friday 31st March - Year 2 Palm Sunday Worship - 9.15am

  • Monday 3rd April - Year 3 The Last Supper Worship - 9.15am

  • Tuesday 4th April - Year 4 Garden of Gethsemane Worship - 9.15am

  • Wednesday 5th April - Year 5 The Crucifixion Worship - 9.15am

  • Thursday 6th April - Year 6 The Resurrection Worship - 9.15am

We hope that you will be able to join us as we make our own personal journey to the cross. Over many years now, leading up to Easter, we have asked our classes, from Year 2 upwards, to devise worships, rather than assemblies, to be prayerful services depicting Jesus’ passage through the events of His time from Palm Sunday through the Last Supper, desolation at Gethsemane, then His Passion and His glorious Resurrection. These worships are at the forefront of our faith and are an opportunity for us to pray and reflect together. We hope that you can take the time as part of your own Lenten journey to reflect and to pause. The hall will be very still and quiet, each class will be there, following Jesus’ journey and it is so important for each child and adult to share the emotion with prayerful reverence.

You may want to leave smaller children in the care of someone else so that you can immerse yourself and be lost in the Passion of Christ.

As a footnote, moving away from solemnity, on Tuesday our Year 1 class delivered a beautiful assembly all about Mary and their own mums. There was not a dry eye in the hall. Thank you Year 1 for showing us how grateful you are and how generous your mums are.

All classes have been really busy thinking of ways that they can give something to our community as well as raising money for CAFOD. At the beginning of the week, our Year 6 put their hearts and souls into baking for their school community, leading a cake sale in school. We had brownies, cakes, cookies - all kinds of baked goods with every dietary requirement catered for. Thank you so much Year 6 - you have raised over £160! On Wednesday, our Year 3 children walked to Ashton Gardens in order to bring some sunshine to people’s lives. Each child painted a pebble to leave around the park on a little trail. What a lovely thing to do! I am going to set you a mission. Can you go to Ashton Gardens and find the little pebbles that our Year 3 children have made? Take a photo and send it to me. Let’s see how many of our community can visit!

Finally, today our Year 5 children walked down to the beach with the Fylde Rangers to litter pick. I am so very proud of the effort and dedication our children are showing. They have given their time generously for the good of our community. Keep an eye on the website next week to hear what the other classes have been up to.

Year 6 Cake Sale

Year 3 Community Pebbles

To celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation means to be wrapped in a warm embrace.
— Pope Francis

Last night, our Year 4 children took the next step in their preparation for receiving Holy Communion. Together with some other pupils from the parish, the children received the sacrament of Reconciliation. It was such a beautiful mass; quiet and very reflective. The children will now start their preparation for their Holy Communion after Easter, please keep them in your prayers.

Role Models of the Week

Role Models who have demonstrated virtues this week.

Our Whole School learning Role Models for this week.

Easter Dinner

If you would like your child to have the Easter Dinner on Wednesday 5th April, and they do not normally have one, please can you complete the form below. Meals for KS1 children are free under the UFSM scheme and for children in KS2, the cost is £2.40 (our usual school meal charge) for those who do not usually have a dinner on this day. Please pay for any KS2 dinners on ParentPay once you have completed the form.


Well done Reception with an attendance of 99% - a full house! Our whole school attendance this week is 96.7%


Today is the day we say goodbye to our dearest Colette in our Nursery. We have spent the day being grateful for her and for all she has given our community. I am sure that you will keep her in your prayers as she starts her new adventure. We love you Colette. Thank you for touching the hearts of everyone in our community. You will forever be part of our school family and in the hearts of so many families here, past and present.

God Bless

Mrs Gregan