"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself,"

Yesterday we went to church to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. We know that Jesus had completed his work on earth and that it was time for him to return to his father in Heaven. As a school, we have been thinking about the work that we still have to complete. This may be work in our classes, ready for next year. Work as a human, to be the best versions of ourselves. We know that we are never done, but always looking for ways in which to grow.

It has been another big week for our Year 6 children in school. After finding out about the play last Friday, the children took part in auditions for their end of year play on Monday. What a cast we are going to have! They were superb. Then on Thursday, the children came into school in their smartest wear to be interviewed by myself and Mrs Harrison. The children will be carrying out jobs around school after half term. We are unbelievably proud of the confidence that has been shown.

The excitement continues next week as our Year 6s head off with some very kind staff for a week’s residential in Coniston. We wish you all a wonderful time! I am currently looking at some different options moving forward for our Year 5 class and their residential next year. I will be in touch in the coming weeks with more information.

Reception’s Campaign

When you are out and about this weekend, keep an eye out for our Reception Class’s wonderful art work. Whilst working with the Fylde Ranger Team, the children produced some posters to keep St Annes clean. We are so proud that they have been used across the Fylde in lots of different locations. What a great message from so many younger children!

See if you can spot them and take a photo of you with them! Send them in so we can set up a trail!

Role Models of the Week

Role Models who have demonstrated virtues this week.

Our Whole School learning Role Models for this week.

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 5 & Year 6! Our whole school attendance this week is 97.2%

Our School Needs You!

We are currently looking at our wider curriculum for next year to ensure that the children have a wide range of knowledge in all areas. Part of this knowledge is experiencing enrichment opportunites to enhance their learning. This is where you come in! Are you involved in a profession that you could talk to our children about? Do you have a hobby or a skill that you could use in school? For example, our Year 6 class are currently completing a unit of work on photography. Could you just help out with our garden or with some small projects? Our school really does need you. Please can you complete the form below with some information then the teachers and staff have a pool of people that they can call on.

Ten Ten is the resource we use in school to teach our HRSE programme. They are looking for STARS! Could you be the person that they are looking for?

This weekend Mrs Hodges celebrate a BIG birthday. We hope that the beautiful sunshine shines for the most beautiful lady.

Well done to Harcourt who have won this half term’s house points. Own clothes day for you next Friday.

God Bless

Mrs Gregan