"Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.”

The Eucharist is the sacrament of love: it signifies love, it produces love.
— St Thomas Aquinas

Over the past two weeks we have seen our Year 4 children receive the body of Christ for the very first time. Together with Arthur in Year 6 and other members of the parish, the children received Jesus into their hearts, through a pure act of love. It was lovely to see the church so full for each occasion; filled with song, prayer and scripture. The Holy Communion is such an important event for the school and the parish together. Thank you to Father Peter for being so involved in the programme, for children and parents, and to Mrs Lyons, Mrs Nel, Mrs Webster, Miss Lavelle and Miss Hennessy who have supported the children every step of the way.

Feel the fear…and do it anyway

I have had the absolute pleasure of joining Year 6 on their residential week in Coniston. This photograph epitomises everything that I saw. Team work, cooperation, dedication, communication, resilience, courage and laughter.

We are so proud of this group of exceptional human beings. Throughout the week, the children have tackled new challenges and achieved new heights. The weather has certainly helped this week, it has been glorious. A huge thank you to all of the staff who have given up their time to support the children and take them away. We are grateful for your love and compassion.

Role Models of the Week

Our Whole School learning Role Models for this week - we will add Year 1 later on!

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 6! Our whole school attendance this week is 98.1%

Office News

We have news of 2 vacancies which have arisen in our lovely school workforce community.

We need a a Caretaker for 10 hours per week, Monday to Friday to open up school at 7am; there will be various ancillary duties with this job and the caretaker will work one hour in the morning and one hour, late afternoon and be responsible for locking up and securing the school building and the site.

We also need a cleaner for 10 hours per week to join our excellent cleaning team, which would then become a trio. Ideally we would have someone who could work 2 hours per day, Monday to Friday from 3:30pm.

Please let us know if you are interested. You can email to: head@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk and an application pack will be emailed back. f you have any problems with getting hold of an application pack, you can leave a message on our answerphone -01253 726 015 or let us know on 12th June when school resumes.

The lunch menu for Summer half-term 2 and the early autumn is now on the website.

Our School Needs You!

We are currently looking at our wider curriculum for next year to ensure that the children have a wide range of knowledge in all areas. Part of this knowledge is experiencing enrichment opportunities to enhance their learning. This is where you come in! Are you involved in a job that you could talk to our children about? Do you have a hobby or a skill that you could use in school? For example, our Year 6 class are currently completing a unit of work on photography. Could you just help out with our garden or with some small projects? Our school really does need you. Please can you complete the form below with some information then the teachers and staff have a pool of people that they can call on.

One of our wonderful Year 3 pupils is taking part in a production of the much-loved family musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ at Blackpool Grand Theatre between 31st May to 3rd June this coming half-term with the Blackpool and Fylde Light Opera Company (BFLOC). Tickets are still available for you to show your support and have a really good time at this show in one of the country’s most beautiful theatres.

This morning, we had a visit from the Scouts to tell us about all of the opportunities that will come our way! There is an open evening on the 12th June for all children to attend. Have a look at the flyer above for more information.

Miss Bassett has shared the most wonderful news this week with her class that she is expecting her second baby. I am sure you will join us as a whole school community in congratulating her and her family on this joyous news. I know the children have been very keen to be involved in the baby’s name. What an exciting time!

Have a wonderful half term with your families and loved ones. We return to school on Monday 12th June. Please ensure that you have checked the school calendar for dates of sports days and key events during the final half term in school.

God Bless

Mrs Gregan