And so we have arrived at our final half term in school for this year. In many respects it seems like it has gone in the blink of an eye, then again, so much has happened and has been achieved. Our Year 6 children will be giving their time generously to say thank you to the whole school community who has loved and cared for them throughout their time in school. Through working in their jobs around school, to meeting our new Reception parents for next year, to entertaining us with their end of year play, much fun will be had and more memories will be made. For our other children in each class, they will be ensuring that they have all of the necessary tools in their toolkits, gathered from their current year groups, before meeting their new teachers and looking forward to next year. Alongside all of the learning that is still to be achieved, we have sports days, health and happiness weeks, Gym Jam Jog and much, much more. Please keep an eye on the dates section of the website for everything that is going on. Our first Sports Days start on Monday 19th June for our nursery and reception children.
“Serve one another in love.”
When I talk about service, I am sure that you will agree that Mrs Hodges has been the ultimate servant of the community of Our Lady Star of the Sea. For over 30 years, she has loved each and every member, provided a listening ear, supported families when they have needed it the most and has been the go to person in school for nearly every kind of situation. It is certainly time for Mrs Hodges to have a rest and to retire to spend time with her beautiful family. As we say goodbye to our Year 6s in July, we will also be saying goodbye to Mrs Hodges. I know many of you will want to visit her this summer to thank her and to wish her well. I know that she will continue to visit us beyond her retirement. Once a member of the Our Lady family, always a member of the Our Lady’s family.
Mrs Nel has been appointed as our new office manager and will be taking over from Mrs Hodges in the office from September. As you all pop in over the coming weeks, you may see her in there learning the ropes and getting to grips with the nature of the job. Please do say hello when you see her.
Sun Safety
What fabulous weather we have had for our half-term holiday. It has certainly been appreciated. From looking at the weather for the coming week, and beyond, it looks like it is here to stay.
In order to protect the children whilst they are in school, please can you send in:
A good size water bottle that can be refilled during the course of the day.
A sun hat (preferably wide brimmed) that will protect them when outside.
A small bottle of sun cream that the children can reapply during the day. The staff in school cannot apply sun cream for safeguarding reasons. Please make sure your child is smothered in it before coming in, staff will then supervise them reapplying it. Each class can have a sun cream station! Just a small bottle or roll on sun cream is ideal - labelled with your child’s name. Part of our health education is sun awareness so this is a perfect learning opportunity.
No sunglasses please. These can be dangerous when the children are outside and playing with each other.
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much
As mentioned above, there will be a lot of opportunities to get involved in school life this half term. On Saturday 8th July, St Annes Carnival will be taking place. There are a couple of ways that we will be getting involved as a school and parish. Firstly, we have been asked if we would like to walk the processional route which we have accepted. The school will be combining with the parish to walk together. Many of the children will be representing their various clubs and organisations but we would really like a strong Our Lady presence. If your child is wanting to and available to walk this year with us, please can you complete the form below so we can gage numbers for planning.
We will also be entering the collaborative art competition as a school. Miss Neves will be putting together a team of artists to work together. Don’t worry if you aren’t selected, there is an opportunity to enter the event as a solo artist. Please have a look at the competition below for your chance to be a part of it.
Extra-Curricular Sport
It really is a Summer of Sport! There are some great opportunites to get involved, and hopefully represent the school teams. There will be clubs on at lunch time as well as after school Please visit the SPORT page on the website to sign up to the clubs on offer:
Year 5 & 6 cricket
Year 1 sports club
Year 5 & 6 swimming trials
Judo will also be taking place for Year 1 and Reception children. Text messages will go out for that club tomorrow.
Finally, please can I ask that the children do not use the trim trail after school at the end of the day. There are risk assessments in place for them during the school day, but not once the school bell has rang. Can I also ask that the school garden is too kept free. There are lots of times when the children visit during the school week and now with our lovely allotment there, they will be there even more. Thank you kindly for your co-operation with this.
We are really looking forward to spending the summer term with you all. Let’s hope that the end of the year is just as successful as the year we have already had.
God bless
Mrs Gregan