'Those who don't believe in magic will never find it. Children believe in magic.'

This morning in assembly, we have talked about our new virtues that we are trying to demonstrate this half term, INTENTIONAL & PROPHETIC. We want our school community to make decisions with intention, to know what values they hold dear and to demonstrate these in a prophetic way through their actions and words. All of the children talked about their intentions in this final half term; what they wanted to strive to be able to do before they journey into their new classrooms. There is still a lot of time left to master those key skills. Why not ask your child just what they want to achieve in these final few weeks.

Mrs Gregan’s Week Around School

This week has been extremely busy but in a wonderful and enjoyable way! I have spent a lot of time with different groups of children who have all achieved extraordinary things. Our youngest children have taken part in judo for the first time. Our Year 1 children have completed their phonics assessments with such calmness. Our Year 4, 5 & 6 choir and dance troupe took part in Showtime at The North Pier. Despite the heat and the late night, the children were fabulous and behaved beautifully. Thank you to all of the parents who came to support and to Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Bassett who prepared the children for this event. You may have noticed that we have had some new benches installed on the playground. Our Year 5 class were the first to use them for lunch this week after a trip to The Winter Gardens to listen to best-selling and acclaimed children’s author, Cressida Cowell. She was fabulous and told us all about her inspiration behind How to Train Your Dragon. We have 5 signed copies that we will be raffling in school next week - keep an eye out!

Please have a look at the photographs below and watch the videos of the performances.

Creative Learning - D&T

Miss Neves is currently revamping our Art and DT curriculum. She has researched tirelessly to ensure that we are giving every child in school the opportunity to be creative and to learn food technology skills. This week our Year 3 children have made fruit kebabs and Year 6 have been planning their ‘Come Dine with Me’ menu. I do believe roasted pepper soup is on the cards for next week. Over the next few weeks, the children will be needing a lot of resources; some of which you will need to provide from home (depending upon what we are making). The resources that are generic and are required by the entire class will be bought and sourced by Miss Neves. We are asking for a £2 donation from each child (Year 1 -6) for food technology this half term. This would enable us to provide all of the resources needed and we will not then be constantly asking for you to send things in. We will put this item on ParentPay later today. Thank you for your continued support, we could not do so much of what we do without you.

Role Models of the Week

Role Models who have demonstrated virtues this week.

Our Whole School learning Role Models for this week.

Office News

It seems so sad in my final half term before retirement to start with money but needs must, just to explain where we are at! At this time of year we are looking at transfers for our Year 6, inputting data for the Autumn intake of our new Reception Class to be, and the move up of all Classes in between. We will be looking to try and straighten all accounts etc for everyone to start a new school year with a clean slate. This means we will be sending out reminders, invoices etc within the next few days.

As regards Year 6, there will be some children who will finish the year with a credit balance on ParentPay from dinners paid for and not taken. I ask those parents to leave their ParentPay account here open and not transfer to St Bede’s until 1st August to ensure any unspent balances are returned. Please too may I ask any parents in Year 6 and all other classes to ensure any arrears owing are paid in ASAP.

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Reception - 100%! Our whole school attendance this week is 97.6%

Sports Days

Next week sees the start of Health & Happiness fortnight, and the beginning of our sports days. Typically, the weather is about to change, although I think it is currently too hot for the children so more temperate weather may be a blessing. There are reserve dates in place if they do not go ahead. Next week it is the turn of our infant children:

Monday 19th June 1.30pm - Nursery and Reception (Reserve date: Thursday 6th July)

Tuesday 20th June 1.30pm - Year 1 & Year 2 (Reserve date: Monday 3rd July)

If you are coming to watch and support, please enter the school via the gate on St Patrick’s Road. A member of staff will welcome you and explain where your child will be competing. We look forward to sharing these memorable events with you.

Our Student Council will be running a drinks stand at each event for you to purchase a cold drink and to raise some funds for our school. Please bring some change with you - unfortunately we do not have a card machine just yet.

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much

As mentioned above, there will be a lot of opportunities to get involved in school life this half term. On Saturday 8th July, St Annes Carnival will be taking place. There are a couple of ways that we will be getting involved as a school and parish. Firstly, we have been asked if we would like to walk the processional route which we have accepted. The school will be combining with the parish to walk together. Many of the children will be representing their various clubs and organisations but we would really like a strong Our Lady presence. If your child is wanting to and available to walk this year with us, please can you complete the form below so we can gage numbers for planning.

Don’t forget about the ART COMPETITION for Monday too. We need a formidable art team for the competition. Miss Neves is excited to receive you entries!

Our School Needs You!

We are currently looking at our wider curriculum for next year to ensure that the children have a wide range of knowledge in all areas. Part of this knowledge is experiencing enrichment opportunities to enhance their learning. This is where you come in! Are you involved in a job or profession that you could talk to our children about? Do you have a hobby or a skill that you could use in school? For example, our Year 6 class are currently completing a unit of work on photography. Could you just help out with our garden or with some small projects? Our school really does need you. Please can you complete the form below with some information then the teachers and staff have a pool of people that they can call on.

We finish the week with some lovely, celebratory news. We are delighted to celebrate the arrival of Miss Lavelle’s baby boy. We are sending much love to the new family and cannot wait to meet him. I am sure you will join us in our warm wishes.

God Bless. Have a lovely weekend and wishing all of the wonderful dads in our community, a very happy Father’s Day this Sunday!

Mrs Gregan