'Every moment is an opportunity to create a handcrafted memory to be replayed for years to come.'

In today’s assembly, we have talked about the gifts that we have been given to make the world a better place, the gifts that we have been given to bring to our school community. Our Year 6 children are currently completing their jobs around school, showcasing their gifts and sharing them with the pupils in other classes. They are excellent role models and clearly demonstrating what they have learnt throughout their journey in school.

This week’s been one of those weeks in school where we haven’t had a moment to breathe, but yet it’s been a week in which lots of marvellous memories have been made. On Monday, our EYFS children competed against each other to earn points for their house at their sports afternoon. Every child in nursery and reception took part, cheered each other on and tried their hardest. Thank you to all the wonderful supporters who made the afternoon even more special. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Wednesday might have been the Summer Solstice and the longest day - it certainly felt like the longest day in school! It was however so very special, a day filled with magical moments. The field was certainly filled with lots of eager runners in their pjs, taking part in the Gym Jam Jog. Sons, daughters, mums, dads, nannas and grandads all took part with the aim to raise money for our school funds. There were certainly some hungry tummies afterwards and toast was served to all children in classes. At the end of the day, we welcomed our new parents into school for their induction evening. It is a lovely feeling to see that our family is growing even more. So far we have raised over £1100 - with lots more sponsorship still to come in. Please keep collecting and bring it in early next week, it is so appreciated, especially as we know that times are tough. Each and every donation is massively appreciated.

Yesterday, Mini-First Aid came into school to deliver a course for our Years 1, 3, 4 and 6 children. It is so important that the children know what to do in an emergency. They now have the skills needed to look after themselves and look after others.

Creative Learning - D&T

Whenever things change in school there are always opportunities to look at whatever’s changed with fresh eyes and evaluate its impact. Having changed the DT and Art Curriculum for this year, I can see just how much the children’s knowledge will grow in these areas and how their skill sets will improve. However, we also need to look carefully at how we will implement this. This week I have had some lovely conversations about the food technology aspect of it and how we can make it easier for families, both logistically and financially. The £2 donation has been put in place to enable us to source the ingredients that your children will need, and hopefully prevent you from having to shop weekly for full recipes. There may be some things that your children will need and will be sourced by you, depending on what they decide to make, but the majority we will source and provide. There is some further work to be done in this area and we will continue to evolve and tweak things until we are happy with it - we are still very early in the process. We want our children to engage with their parents and families, discussing what they are cooking and gathering - sampling too if you are lucky enough to receive some at home. Thank you for your understanding and patience with our new approach. We will continue to aim to communicate clearly our intentions so that you are well-prepared and informed.

Role Models of the Week

Virtue Role Models

Learning Role Models of the Week

Office News

We’re still trying to ‘balance the books’ and chase for final payments to clear dinner accounts that are in debit etc. Please help us by responding - if we text you to say that there is a debt then we need it cleared on ParentPay as soon as possible. Really, dinners should only be taken if there is credit on the account and no one should ever be in arrears on their account. Our Finance Officer will be in before the end of term and we think we will be advised to tighten up on our debt procedures - it’s in everyone’s interests as we don’t like having to constantly chase for payment and it’s much better for you not to feel under pressure.

We always try and help if we hear from you that there are problems in making payment - if there should be any difficulty, we ask you to come and have a discreet word. It’s entirely in confidence, one or two people involved at most, and utterly discreet.

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 4 - 99.7% Our whole school attendance this week is 97.9%

Sports Days

Monday 26th June 1.30pm - Year 3 & 4

Wednesday 28th June 1.30pm - Year 5 & 6

If you are coming to watch and support, please enter the school via the gate on St Patrick’s Road. A member of staff will welcome you and explain where your child will be competing. We look forward to sharing these memorable events with you.

Our Student Council will be running a drinks stand at each event for you to purchase a cold drink and to raise some funds for our school. Please bring some change with you - unfortunately we do not have a card machine just yet. All drinks are £1.

This morning, I had the pleasure of being at the Swimming Gala with our Year 5 & 6 children. As always, they showed themselves to be wonderful ambassadors for our school. Thank you children. You swam beautifully and supported each other, and other schools. Well done!

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much

As mentioned above, there will be a lot of opportunities to get involved in school life this half term. On Saturday 8th July, St Annes Carnival will be taking place. There are a couple of ways in which we will be getting involved as a school and parish. Firstly, we have been asked if we would like to walk the processional route which we have accepted. The school will be combining with the parish to walk together. Many of the children will be representing their various clubs and organisations but we would really like a strong Our Lady presence. So far we have 28 children - which is fabulous. If your child is wanting to and available to walk this year with us, please can you complete the form below so we can gauge numbers for planning. We are waiting to hear the arrangements and will inform you as soon as we know.

There is also an opportunity to get involved in the St Annes Carnival 5k. Lytham St.Annes Road Runners are proud to bring you the St.Annes Carnival 5k and the 1.5k junior event. The Carnival 5k is a flat, fast 5Km race over an accurately measured course. The Junior race is flat and fast, perfect for a first time racer or as a fun run. Starting at 10.00am, on the prom close to the Lord Derby public house, the route is fully off-road and marshalled. Medals await all finishers.  Adults are welcome to accompany their child .

Click on the button below to book your place on the run.

With only a few weeks left until the school finishes for summer, we are trying to ensure that everything is in place for the new academic year. It is certainly a very busy time in school. We really hope that we see you at the upcoming events.

Enjoy your weekend with your families

Mrs Gregan