'God loves us beyond comprehension, and we cannot diminish God's love for us.'

When Jesus ascended into heaven, he left his disciples on earth to bring the Kingdom of God alive. St Peter and St Paul were instrumental in establishing our church. They are the solid rock on which the Church is built, the origin of her faith and will forever remain her protectors and her guides. St Peter was the chief shepherd in whom Jesus trusted the most. On Thursday, the whole school walked down to church to celebrate this most special feast day. These wonderful role models have paved the way for our discipleship. Father Peter reminded us about the foundation that these saints left. They were not perfect, far from it, but they worked hard to bring the kingdom of God alive here on earth.

As we enter the final weeks of the school year, the children are thinking about the growth that they have had this year. What skills they have mastered, experiences that they have enjoyed; successes and areas for development. Next week, the children will be starting their transition into their next year groups. They will be spending time in their new classrooms, alongside their new teachers. This is a really important moment. Relationships are essential to feeling safe; the children need to feel loved and comfortable in their new environments. I am looking forward to seeing the children grow, just that little bit more, next Friday.

Learning Role Models of the Week

Learning awards!

Demonstrating our virtues - intentional and prophetic!

Office News

All is very hectic in the Office as we make end of year/start of new year preparations. We very much hope that you are all managing to keep up with all the dates and events happening. Please keep checking the website and class pages to ensure that you don’t miss anything.

We are still sending out reminders for outstanding payments - please help us in this as we have to balance the books! We are asking our Y6 leavers not to sign up to ParentPay for St Bede’s until we have organised any refunds if required, say for overpaid dinners and we will do this as we break up, the week ending 21st July.

Please can all Y5 and Y6 parents wanting tickets for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ensure that they have booked by next Friday, 7th July. Only when everyone has booked their initial allocation of up to 3 tickets, can we look at any spare ticket requests.

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Reception - 98.7% Our whole school attendance this week is 93.8% - a lot of illness has affected us this week

Sports Days

Is has been a week of two halves. We managed to go ahead with the Year 3 & 4 Sports Day at the beginning of the week, but the arrival of rain mid week meant we had to postpone the Year 5 & 6 Sports Day. Once again, the competing children were just wonderful. They have really embraced the house team element of the competition and then come into their own for the individual races. The community event has added to the atmosphere. Parents have even been creating their own house cheers! Well done to Harcourt who won the Year 3 & 4 event - however, it is still Plessington who are winning overall!

We will be making the final count of the Gym Jam Jog money on Monday, please can all sponsor money be sent in and we can then reveal the final total.

St Annes Carnival

Thank you to all of those parents who completed the form for Carnival Day. We have a good number of children who will be walking with the parish, representing our school. All children need to either wear full school uniform or their school PE tracksuit - sensible shoes are a must. We want to be smart and showcase our school really well. All children walking will be given flags to wave as their walk.

We are number 17 in the parade line up, meeting in between Ashton Gardens and the United Reform Church on Clifton Drive at 9.30am.

It is lovely to see the children in their summer uniform. I always like to see a flash of blue gingham or white shirt from children running across the field in the sunshine. Please can we all make sure that the clothes which the children are coming into school with are school uniform. Things like hoodies are creeping in and PE kit that is not our school PE kit. Shorts for girls needs to be of an acceptable length too. We will aim to run a uniform stall before we finish for summer so you can get items ready for next year. Top Marque have ordered the new school hoodies for the children, these will be able to be bought ready for September.

Enjoy your weekend with your families

Mrs Gregan