'Oh Lord, your love knows no bounds.'

When we go through periods of darkness, it can be so hard to see the light. We can be confused by the actions of God and why certain choices has been made. In assembly today, we have spoken about the need to trust in God; He knows the plan and can see the bigger picture, even when we can’t. God has a plan for all of us, whether we agree with it or not. We need to believe in His vision as children of Christ. We have all faced challenges this half term. Starting a new school year and a new class is always difficult to navigate. There are new people that we need to get to know, new classrooms to explore and new expectations to understand - but we always get there; much quicker than we realise!

‘Books are uniquely, portable, MAGIC!’

This week we were joined by the most wonderful author - Dan Worsley. It is a while since we have had an author in school, and my goodness, he did not disappoint! Dan filled the hall, and each classroom with tales of the unexpected. Adventures beyond our wildest dreams. Laughter that came from our bellies! Reading is so important for many reasons, but I think the most important one is that it can transport you to another place and another time. You really can get lost in the book. It would be great if we continued to support Dan - hopefully he may come and visit us again one day soon!

Our school library is missing a large number of books that was taken out last year. Please, please, please can you all have a really good look at home and see if any of our books have hidden themselves in and around your house.

Primary School Admissions

If you have a child who will be starting primary school in September 2024, the window is now open to apply. We are opening the school at various times for you to come and have a look around. Please see the poster for more details.

To apply for a primary school place, please click on the following link:

Lancashire School Admissions

If you have any questions at all, please do ring the office on 01253 726015.

Learning Role Models of the Week

Learning awards!

Demonstrating our virtues - curious & active!

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 3 & 6 - 98.3% Our whole school attendance this week is 97.3%.

Office News

My goodness the weeks are flying. Please remember to check Parent Pay. Class trips and dinner money have been added.

Please do not hesitate to contact the office if you have any queries.

Dates for your diary:

  • Thursday 26th September - Year 6 Assembly 2.10pm & 2.35pm

  • Thursday 5th October - Year 4 Assembly 2.10pm & 2.35pm

  • Thursday 12th October - Harvest 9.30am Mass

  • Thursday 12th October - Year 2 Assembly 2.10pm & 2.35pm

  • Parents’s Day - Friday 20th October. Virtual appointments will be available to be booked next Friday

We are having an awful lot of uniform go missing at the moment; both labelled and unlabelled. Please can you ensure that all of your children’s uniform is clearly labelled and that they come home with the correct uniform at the end of the day. Thank you kindly.

Have a lovely weekend with your families.

God bless