'If you can be anything in this world, be kind.'

When we started our year together in September, I gave the community one mission - TO BE KIND. Kindness above anything instills peace, reflection and brings God’s Kingdom alive here on earth. We are exposed to so many things in the news and local community where kindness has not happened; when others have suffered as a result of actions. As a school family, we constantly want to reflect on our behaviours and actions, ensuring that we are all following in Christ’s footsteps. There are times when we get it wrong, but we trust that God will bring us back and ensure we follow his path.

Year 2 shared such a magical liturgy this week, all about us being kind to our world; demonstrating stewardship. Through the power of a story, the children spoke using powerful vocabulary to convey the message that they were sharing. We have one world, it is our responsibility to look after it. Thank you Year 2 for a thought-provoking assembly.

There is no doubt that there are times when I really miss teaching daily. There is nothing like the feeling that you get when a child overcomes a barrier or succeeds because of something that they have strived really hard to achieve. When I became head, I was adamant that I still wanted to teach where I could. I am blessed to visit Year 5 each Monday to teach maths, but this week, I delivered something different. The children explored what it meant to be kind, what kindness is and how it makes others feel. We had an open, honest and evolving conversation that I hope will continue throughout the year. The children used their desks as jotters (much to the children’s delight). They then designed some posters, using important quotes, that we will be able to share around school. Thank you Year 5 for helping us all to understand the importance of being kind.

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”

Being in Year 6 is so challenging; partly because of the expectations that we have of them as ambassadors and leaders. This week, the class went on a 2 night retreat to Castlerigg; exploring what it means to be the light of the world. The talent list of this group of children is endless, therefore the expectations we place on them are endless. They really have so much to give! The class were fabulous ambassadors for our school. They looked after each other and supported the team beautifully - we are so very proud of them. Thank you has to go to Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster, Mrs Barker and Mr Cornwell who took the children away. Your time is precious and we are grateful for the time you have given to enable the children to make life-long memories.

‘We shall harvest with joy.’

It is so important to say Thank you for what we have, and what we have been given. During Father Peter’s homily on Thursday, he shared that within the word ‘HARVEST’ there are a number of different words: Starve, Share and Ta - all of these things relate to what we are trying to achieve,

Various Harvest celebrations have taken place in school this week. On Thursday, Year 1, 2, 5 & 6 visited church, alongside the parishioners, to say thank you for the gifts that we have been given. In school, our Reception and Nursery children shared a beautiful liturgy together; full of song, thanks and prayer.

Thank you all for your generous donations to Fylde Foodbank, we are supporting our local community. The school foodbank is now empty. Please continue to donate goods to it and we can continue to provide support where possible. Remember that the foodbank is for all of our community.

Learning Awards of the Week

Our Growth Mindset certificate winners of the week!

Our Virtue Role Models of the week!

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.”

The Our Lady Poppy Appeal

It has started! We have had a number of knitted poppies delivered into school, handcrafted by Esther and her grandma. There will be a poppy box in the worship area next week for any poppies made - please do contribute to them and make any poppy you can! For half term, I have made a craft sheet of lots of different poppies that you could make at home - all from household items. It would be great if every child made at least one for our castle reflection.

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 2 & 3 - 98.7% Our whole school attendance this week is 96.3%.

Office News

With one more week to go until half term, it is important that all Parent Pay accounts are settled. Please can you visit your account over the weekend and see if anything needs to be payed.

Those children taking part in fencing next year will be confirmed next week so that payment can be made.

We enter into the final three days of half term determined to finish all of the learning opportunities that we have. School closes for the children on Wednesday at normal time - 3.20pm/3.25pm; with Parents’ Day on Friday 20th October. This is virtual so can be accessed anywhere in the world; wherever you might be. There is still time to make appointments if you haven’t. We will be contacting all those without an appointment on Monday. Please click on my previous blog for more information.

There has also been some lovely news; Mrs Marshall is expecting her second baby. The school community wishes her family a huge congratulations on her announcement and look forward to welcoming Baby Marshall in the Spring.

How wonderful do our football team look? CN Active has kindly sponsored our new football kits, ensuring that our teams look their best whilst playing their best. Despite the rain, the children’s spirit was not dampened. The progress that our football and netball teams are making week on week is great. All children who train have now had the opportunity to represent the school - how fantastic! There was one extremely special goal on Tuesday too!

There will be a pause in fixtures after half term to account for the darker evenings. Watch out for the new extra-curricular timetable coming next week.

Finally, congratulations to Harcourt who have won this half term’s house points. All children in Harcourt can come in their house colours on Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend with your families

God bless

Mrs Gregan