"Life is a cycle of change, and the seasons are just another reminder of that."

And in the blink of an eye, we have completed our first half-term together. Despite so much happening, it seems to have started and ended so quickly; there is so much to celebrate. The main thread of our curriculum has been the Story of Creation. From plants being studied in Year 4, to deforestation in Year 6 and the human body in Year 3, to the wolf story in Year 2; we have to care for our common home. Being a steward of our community means being active and curious; constantly seeking ways to care for each other and our world. We are truly blessed that we have so many active members. Our Worship Area has been instilled to ensure that there is a collective place for prayer and liturgy. We have encouraged our pupils to interact with the area. Please watch this short video below reflecting on the scripture that we have shared this half term. As we move into the most special period of Advent, we will strive to become faith-filled and hopeful.

As well as active stewards, we have had very active learners! I cannot believe that we have only been in school 7 weeks, yet the children are producing things beyond their years. One of my favourite things is being able to visit each class, or to get a knock on my office door inviting me to see what they have been up to. I have had the pleasure of visiting Year 1 and Year 5 this week to read their stories. From the adventures of Supertato and the misdemeanors of Evil Pea, to really complex stories involving the Adventures of Narnia - the level of creativity and storytelling is so deep.

I am incredibly proud of the art curriculum that takes place in school. Every child experiences quality art that enables them to express themselves in multiple ways.

Miss Neves, our resident artist, is currently studying a Fine Art degree and for her professional practice, she commissioned Year 6 to complete some inspired graffiti art work.

I think they are remarkable and the words used; so very powerful!

The Our Lady Poppy Appeal

It has started! We have 133 poppies so far - but we need more!

Over half term, can you be creative and make a poppy that can be attached to our castle. Think about what you could make it out of to withstand the elements:

  • crisp packets

  • plastic bags

  • drinks bottles

  • felt

  • wool

  • wood

  • milk bottle tops

The list is endless. How wonderful would it be if each member of our community laid a poppy in remembrance.

Staff who lead learning

At yesterday’s INSET training, all staff completed their annual safeguarding training. This year, with the changes in Keeping Children Safe in Education, we invited in a member of the Lancashire team to present updates on Online Safety. The world in which we live in, and the one that we are preparing our children for, is a fast-paced technological world. It is crucial that we are informed about the best way that we can support our children to navigate this tricky aspect of growing up. As we move through the year, there will be opportunities for parents to gain further support and to also check the filtering systems on devices at home too. We will keep you informed and let you know about the events that we are planning.

As part of the safeguarding training, we will be making some tweaks to the systems that we have in school, in order to safeguard and protect our children further:

  • We have changed the text messaging service to be able to text BOTH parents who we have listed on our system. After half-term, Mrs Nel will be sending out a data sheet to ensure that we have the correct contact information for both parents, email addresses included. When a text message is now sent from school, it will go to both parents.

  • We have looked closely at our First Aid procedures in school and the ‘bump notes’ that we send home when the children bump their heads. We need to ensure that these notes get home and that they are seen by the parent, as quite often they are left in a child’s bag. Therefore, if your child has a bump at school, we will send a text message letting you know this and that there is a bump note in their bag so you are aware of the concussion symptoms. If the bump to the head is concerning, we will of course phone home and let you know straight away. This will be the same for an injury that needs reporting. Please do not be alarmed that you have received a text message, we are simply informing you in a more rigorous and robust way than a bump or injury letter.

  • It has been lovely to see all of our parents on the playground at the end of the day collecting your children, but we are aware that the area around KS1 classrooms can become a little congested. From 30th October, Year 1 parents will collect their children from the Year 1 outside area. There is a small gate that will be opened onto an area where you can stand and wait for the children to come out. This should ease congestion and enable parents and family members to be seen more easily by the teaching staff. Can I ask that we still continue to stand away from the doors to give the children space to come out. Please can you communicate this with each named person who will collect your child.

Office News

Unbelievably it is half term! I think we are all ready for a well-earned rest, snuggling down and enjoying quality family time. It has been a very busy half-term and the next promises to be even busier! Dinners next term, in line with LCC meal charges, are still £2.50 per dinner, £12.50 per week or £97.50 for the half term, payable on ParentPay. It is never pleasant chasing payments and we  encourage all dinner accounts to be paid up at least a week in advance. Thank you for your support with this. Please see the menu below for next half-terms meals. There may be some variation where items are unavailable, but we will stick as close to the menu as possible.

After half-term, our school’s attendance officer will be visiting, which he does annually. We will be looking at each child’s attendance and aiming to reduce the gaps that can sometimes form. Just like last year, letters will be issued to any parent whose child’s attendance has fallen below 90% in the first half of the Autumn term.

In the final week of school, we received 7 leave of absence requests for holidays that attached to the October half term. Can we urge you to let us know as soon as a leave of absence is required as the paper work associated with absences can be vast. We would really appreciate your support with this going forward. We have also had a number of pupils who have been away this week and have not contacted the school to inform us (we can always tell from the international dialing tone). Honesty is always the best policy and it legally allows us to monitor attendance. Please always do share when your child will be absent from school, it makes life so much easier for us all.

There is a new timetable for extra-curricular opportunities in school. Please see the document below and visit the Sports section or News Around the School to book a place.

We always like to celebrate the work that our pupils do outside of school, and our proud cloud is now brimming with photographs of very proud children. One of our pupils, Joseph and his family, are taking part in Nativity at Marine Hall in Fleetwood this Christmas. Details are on the poster to the left if you would like to book tickets and go and watch.

Thank you all for your continued support this last half term. We are incredibly blessed to have the community that we have. I wish you all a very happy and safe half term.

God bless

Mrs Gregan