"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you." - John 14:27

Welcome back to the most magical of all half-terms; the preparation of Christmas. On Wednesday, our school walked down to celebrate the feast of All Saints with our parish. Father Peter led us all in a beautiful celebration of what it means to follow in Jesus’s footsteps. There are more than 10,000 saints recognised by the Roman Catholic Church, though the names and histories of some of these holy men and women have been lost to history. However, I would like to challenge that. When I look at our children, and see the acts of kindness that they demonstrate on a daily basis; I too think that they are saints. They are a group of people who are all trying to be like Jesus. We can all be saints.

Our Jesuit virtues are being faith-filled and hopeful. These are the perfect virtues to focus on as we move towards Advent and the arrival of the miracle in Jesus Christ. We are hopeful in the messiah and faith-filled in our determination to celebrate his birth; using this as a basis in which to continue our mission.

In school, we are trying to ensure that we celebrate events as a whole school. That there is a commonality in our faith so that we feel as one. This year, each class will have a ‘travelling nativity’ that will go home each night with a different child. We want to ensure that every child bears witness to that special moment. In the nativity bag there will be: a small nativity set, the story of the nativity, candles to show that Jesus is the light of the world, purple material for the liturgical year and a digital camera for your to capture the moment. We will be using the photographs as a back ground for our advent promises. We hope that this very small act will fire the excitement that the festive season brings. The nativity sets will start going home next Thursday so we can ensure that all children have the opportunity.

The Our Lady Poppy Appeal

Thank you all - from the bottom of our hearts - for embracing the call for poppies like you have. This is just another example of the community coming together to create something for all. As you can see from the photograph below, I have had a team of Year 6 children busy attaching the poppies that we have, ready to display next week. So far we have had over 400 poppies donated! There is still time to bring yours in if you haven’t had time. The poppies are going to be displayed by the chapel; an area of reflection and contemplation. We cannot wait to finish this project and see what has been created with the love of our families.

We have had our first student council meeting in school today. Watch this space in the coming weeks for the campaign that they will be running this year. There is talk of a Great Our Lady Christmas Bake Off!

Leading Learners and School Virtue Role Models

Learning Role Models

School Virtue Role Models

Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 2 this week - 99.2%. Our whole school attendance was 94.8%.

Office News

Before half-term, I mentioned in my weekly newsletter that attendance letters were being sent home and that we were looking at the amount of leave of absence requests that we have received. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to email or acknowledge this. So many of you have made a comment about how you have changed medical and dental appointments out of school time, or bookending the day to avoid any disruption. We will continue to monitor attendance closely and as always, communicate with you all.

The majority of our absences are medical or illness related. Please continue to use the absence form on the website to let us know if your child is off and the reason for the illness too. I have also had lots of discussions about holiday dates for 2024/2025. These will be with you imminently; as they are being approved at our next full governor meeting. I really do appreciate you all taking the time to consider the holidays that you are taking and avoiding taking them during term-time.

There is a serious matter that we really need your support with and we ask for your upmost cooperation at this time.

One of our pupils in school is receiving medical treatment that affects their immune system, which puts them at high risk if they are exposed to measles, chickenpox or shingles. We need you to let us know immediately if your child is suspected of having measles, chicken pox or shingles, as the pupil may require treatment for this. It is also important that you let us know if there is shingles in your household. As always, we follow the NHS advice for sickness and diarrhoea. There is a strict 48 hour policy for this; your child must be kept off school.

Your child is not at any risk from this situation.  However, the health and well-being of our pupil who is at risk does depend on the co-operation of all other parents and we know you can help us - just like the community of Our Ladys always does.

Thank you

The excitement of extra-curricular clubs starts again next week. Please do ensure that you have checked News Around the School or the Sports page for more information. The school calendar is brimming with events that will be coming up in preparation for the festive season, please do make sure that you have checked them. It is starting on Friday 17th November with our annual pj day for Brian House Children’s Hospice - our local children in need.

God bless

Mrs Gregan