“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.”

We do not remember days, we remember moments.
— Quote Source

And what a very special moment this is…

There are moments that have happened in the past that have changed the course of history. Decisions that have been made that have altered how people live. 104 years ago, the world saw and felt the end of World War I; a war that we are still commemorating today through the display of the red poppy. For the past two weeks, a group of dedicated Year 6 children have been attaching each and every poppy that was handmade by our community onto a large piece of netting. This has now been attached to our chapel and what a beautiful tribute it is. Throughout the month of November, we will ensure that the tribute remains in place for you to visit as a family, or by yourself at pick up for quiet reflection. With so much war and disharmony in the world at the moment, this installation serves as a thing of beauty. I am so proud of each and every poppy as I know they have been made with love. Thank you to you all. If you would still like to make one, please do and we can attach it.

We are gradually preparing for Christmas and finding special ways in which we can mark the birth of Jesus Christ. Songs are slowly beginning to be sung and words practised as the children aim to bring the most magical story of all to life. The nature of life means that events seem to be happening much earlier; I have already seen Christmas lights and trees up. In school, we are trying to preserve the excitement for just a little bit longer. The travelling nativities have visited their first homes; each with a different story to be shared. We hope you all find time to enjoy the hope and faith-filled event that will soon be upon us.

The Great Our Lady Bake Off

Following the Student Council meeting last Friday, the plans that they decided upon have been actioned. On Friday 8th December, our Christmas jumper day, we will also be hosting the very first Our Lady Christmas Bake Off as a fundraiser for our school. We want to continue to develop the outside area and a reading shed has also been suggested. The only rule is that the baking needs to be festive! Anybody can enter with each class deciding their winner. We will also be holding a cake sale that day with all of the entries - so get planning what you will make.

We do not want it to be an expensive day, as we are understanding of the pressures families are facing at the moment, therefore there is menu of opportunity to choose from. The cost for the day will not exceed £5, depending on what your child chooses to take part in:

Christmas Jumper = £1 donation

Christmas Bake Off entry = £3 entry fee

Cake Sale Purchase = £1

In the afternoon of the 8th, from 2pm, we would like to invite all family and friends into school for ‘Carols and Cake.’ The tree will be up and the lights will be lit. There will be the opportunity to buy some cake, have a hot drink and listen to our choir sing to get you into the festive mood. Pop the date in your diary now!

Curriculum Evening

Next Thursday, 16th November, is our annual CURRICULUM EVENING. School will be open from 5.30pm-7.00pm for you to take part in lots of tasks and challenges, showcasing what your child will learn as they journey through school. This year the focus is on the wider curriculum. What opportunities will your children have beyond the core subjects learn? Each subject leader will be setting up lots of activities for you to try alongside your child. Some of our Year 6 leaders will also be on hand to answer any questions that you might have.

We hope that you will be able to join us in school - we are looking forward to showing you how we learn.

This morning, our Year 5 class walked down to Hope Street Park. There, ready and waiting, was the Fylde Rangers and over 500 daffodil bulbs that needed planting. Thank you Year 5 for giving something back to our community. We cannot wait to see them flower next Spring!

Leading Learners and School Virtue Role Models

Learning Role Models

School Virtue Role Models

Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 4 this week - 97.7%. Our whole school attendance was 95.7%

Once an Our Lady’s pupil, always an Our Lady’s pupil…

I have found that being in the job that I am now, I often get invited to different events; some that I can attend and others that I cannot. Last night, I attended a very special event that validated the vision that we have for our pupils here in school. At Lowther Pavilion, the St Bedes’s class of 2023, received their GCSE certificates and special awards in recognition for their hard work during their high school years, many of which were disrupted by COVID. I was beyond proud to see and speak to so many of our past pupils and hear just what paths they will be taking in the coming years. Some teachers, some scientists, others photography and drama.

Mr Marsden spoke so eloquently about what it meant to Be a Bede and how often, we can band these terms around quite quickly and often without thought. It is the same as being an Our Lady’s Star, we say it all the time. It is simply this. We are trying our hardest to follow the example that Jesus Christ set. That when we leave anywhere, the footprints we leave are filled with the mission of Christ and we go out into the world to do good.

Congratulations to all former pupils. We wish you all the luck in the world as you head off onto your next adventures.

PJ Day for Brian House

Next Friday, 17th November, is our annual pj day in school. Brian House are our local children’s hospice, and having visited them with pupils before, I know just how much they need our support. For £1, the children can come into school in suitable pjs and dressing gowns for the day - bringing a teddy if they wish. Trainers must be worn, not slippers, as the children will be heading out on the playground for normal breaks.

Mrs Nel has been busy collating the ticket requirements for each family, ready for the nativity season. Thank you all for sending the information back so promptly, we can then plan the hall safely for the children. All money raised from the ticket sales, and then the church collection at the KS2 concert, will be given to Brian House. We are singing to support the children.

Finally, Miss Neves has been working incredibly hard over the past two years on a Foundation Art Degree; we are really lucky to have her in school teaching our children and passing on her love of art. For the rest of November, Miss Neves is displaying her own artwork in Ashton Gardens Pavilion. Her work is displayed and able to be bought. Please do pop down and show her your support.

Next Friday, we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Grey who has worked alongside us in school for nearly a year. Mrs Grey has helped support the children at lunchtimes and worked across some classes too. Throughout her time with us, she has shown the children nothing but love and compassion. We wish her the very best of luck as she starts a new role and a new adventure. This week, we have welcomed two new members of staff to the welfare team. Mrs Ely and Mrs McGow have seamlessly entered school life, under the watchful eye of Mrs Grey. We look forward to working alongside them over the next half term.

Have a lovely weekend with your families

God bless

Mrs Gregan