“So stay awake, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming.” Mark 13: 33

Advent is a time of preparation, a time of waiting. We know what will be coming but we do not know when, and even though we mark Jesus’s birth on December 25th, we know that Jesus can come to us at anytime; we must all be ready. In assembly this week, we have started to look at The Holy Family. Christmas is a time for family, and it is often a time when we spend more time with those who we love due to the different events that take place. The first member of the family that we have looked at is Mary. Mary was given many names holy, Queen of Heaven, Mother Most Admirable, but above all of these she was blessed. Each week during Advent, we will be taking a different word and exploring it’s meaning along with a specific prayer for the week. This week it is WITNESS. Mary was a witness to the light - how can we too be a witness to our faith? Our prayer this week is the Hail Mary. Maybe you could join in at home and say a Hail Mary every night as a family before you go to bed. Year 1 have been learning to sign the Hail Mary - can you learn this at home? As I walked through Reception today, I had to stop and look at this most beautiful drawing of the nativity. The miracle of Jesus’ birth as captured by our youngest children.

The travelling nativity has been such a wonderful celebration which has included each member of our school family. I have loved hearing what the children’s favourite parts of the book they have read and where they have placed the nativity in their homes. I have attached some of the photographs that have been sent in and that we will be displaying in our Worship Area over the coming weeks. As you are reading this, a team of little elves have descended on the school, looking to sprinkle festive cheer. We can’t wait for the children to arrive back in school on Monday.

As part of our work on sustainability, we are trying to be as eco-friendly as possible across the school. For many years now, we have asked the children not to bring in Christmas cards for individual members of their class, but instead to make just one. This one card is for the whole class and is put up around the tree in their classrooms and next to the crib. The cards are designed by the children and made by them. This is becoming an Our Lady tradition. We thank you for your cooperation with this.

Sharing in the Nativity

Next week, we will see the first of our nativity performances taking place. Across the school, each class team and key stage have been working hard to bring the most amazing story to life through song, prayer and performance. For our children, this will be a special moment in time. We know that for parents and families too, there is no greater joy than seeing your child perform the Christmas story; it will bring back memories of your own time in school. For us, the nativity is central to our prayer and liturgy. When the children tell the story, we are praying to God for the gift of his son. The children who will initially be taking to the stage are our smallest children; for which this can be very daunting.

When you arrive in school for the nativity, can I ask that you just bring yourselves ready to be present in the story. There will be enough seats for all tickets that have been sold, to avoid the need for any standing. Often we can get tempted to stand to watch when our child appears, or stand to wave so that our children know we are there. This isn’t needed; they know you are there, they know you love them, they know you are there to pray with them and they need you to be as still as you can so that they can perform like they have been practising. It is always nice to sit somewhere where you can see your child, but they cannot see you. You can both then enjoy the liturgy as intended. I would be really grateful if you can pass this message to whoever is coming to watch the performances. If you know of someone coming who will need additional support or seating, please do let us know and we would be happy to help in any way.

The Great Our Lady Bake Off - A School Fundraiser

The Our Lady Bake Off is 1 week away. We a are looking at raising money to develop our outside wooded area and to buy a reading shed. This is everything that you need to know about how the day will run.

Your child will bring their baking into class in the morning ready for judging. In each classroom there will be a gingham altar with the very able Paul and Pru ready to taste. There are two judging criteria:

  • Flavour judging - by the class teaching team

  • Festive decoration - by the children. The more festive - the better!

A star baker will be awarded in each classroom.

If you are baking as a family and there is one bake between siblings, this will be judged separately in the hall by myself and Mrs Nel.

Following the judging, the children will have the opportunity to buy some of the delicious treats in a cake sale at breaktime. The amounts needed for the day are below.

Christmas Jumper = £1 donation

Christmas Bake Off entry = £3 entry fee

Cake Sale Purchase = £1

In the afternoon of the 8th, from 2pm, we would like to invite all family and friends into school for ‘Carols and Cake.’ The tree will be up, the lights will be lit and our choir will be serenading you with some songs of Christmas. We will be saving some of the morning treats for the afternoon and there will be a donation box for you to contribute what you are able too. Please can you complete the form below if you are planning on coming, and also if you are bringing additional guests. We can then ensure that we have enough in place to cater for everybody. We are really looking forward to next Friday and starting the festive season alongside you.

Leading Learners and School Virtue Role Models

Learning Role Models

Year 3 & 4 Virtue and Certificate Winners

School Virtue Role Models

Reading Coffee Morning

On Wednesday morning, Mrs Lyons and a group of Year 4 children, explained to a group of very willing parents, just what reading looks like at Our Ladys. We are incredibly proud of our reading curriculum and how the children really rise to the challenge her. Reading is a life skill and one that enables the children to access the wider curriculum beyond english. Thank you Mrs Lyons for being so passionate and for really leading our school’s love of reading. Thank you to the parents for coming and getting involved. After Christmas, Miss Drummond will be holding a phonics morning for our Year 1 families.

Office News

On Wednesday 20th December it is the School Christmas Dinner. Those children who normally have a dinner will automatically receive one. Those children who do not, but would like one, please can you book using the button below. The cost of the dinner is £2.50 per child which will be added to Parent Pay. The children who normally have a school dinner in KS1 on a Wednesday will not need to pay. Can you indicate if your child is having a Christmas Dinner in KS2 or additional KS1 children please.

If you can sign up your child by Friday 8th December, we can then ensure that our food delivery is enough to cater for everyone.

In school, we are a healthy eating school. This applies to the snacks that children bring in, the packed lunches that the children eat at lunch time and the drinks that the children bring in their bottles daily. We are noticing an increased amount of juice coming into school. Please can we ask that it is only water that comes into school - not juice. We will continue to monitor this very carefully in school.

Our Parent Governor elections took place this week - my what a lot of votes came in - thank you for everyone for getting involved. After carefully counting the votes, not once, not twice - but three times, it was found that our new Parent Governor will be Alison Funnell. Thank you to all of those who put themselves forward. We know more opportunities will arise and you will have the chance to contribute once more.

Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 1 again this week - 99.3%. Our whole school attendance was 97.6%

Last week, I spoke about how the Our Lady’s family has continued to grow with the arrival of Miss Bassett’s little girl, Alicia. The family at Our Ladys is of many members, all who have given of themselves selflessly for many years, and it is growing all of the time. This week we have heard the incredibly sad news of the passing of a past teacher; Joy Warwick after a very short illness. Joy taught at Our Ladys for 20 years, having taught many past pupils who are now parents here in school. Many of our staff either worked alongside her or some even taught by her. Joy’s dedication to her job, determination to bring the children she cared for closer to Christ and her compassion to all have been fondly remembered this week. On behalf of the entire school community, I have sent our condolences to her husband David and her beautiful girls, and of course our dearest Barbara and Chris, who have all lost such a special part of their family. I am sure many of you will have your own memories of Mrs Warwick that you will share in the coming days and weeks. Please pray for the family and keep them in your thoughts.

Joy’s funeral will take place at St Joseph’s Church, Ansdell on Tuesday 12th December at 11am. Joy loved Ansdell so very dearly and the parish of St Joseph’s. The family are asking for any donations to be made to Trinity Hospice in her memory, or for the proposed new cross at St Joseph’s church. Once the fundraising starts, I will share the link with you.

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her
May the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

God bless

Mrs Gregan