“An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph son of David, do not be afraid.”

Christmas festivities have definitely arrived in school this week. With the arrival of the Christmas tree, the advent wreath taking centre stage in the worship area and the children’s advent promises adorning the front display in the hall; everything definitely feels a little more magical. On Monday we started our week together by recognising the first Sunday of advent and lighting the first candle; the candle of hope. We prayed that we become people of hope, not people of expectation or greed this Christmas time. As a community, we are very much journeying to the stable together, bringing people along the way as we go. We very much hope that as you join us for the various things that are taking place in school, you too make your way to the stable this Christmas.

We have continued to meet the different members of the Holy Family; this week, it was Joseph. Despite all of the challenges that Joseph faced: fear, confusion, rejection and worry, he continued to show courage and faith. Courage is our word of the week next week and our prayer is The Our Father. It would be lovely if you prayed this prayer at home with your family.

Sharing in the Nativity

There are moments in your life when it is so important to just be still and enjoy the magic of the situation in front of you. This week has been one of them. Our smallest children in school took to the stage on Wednesday and Thursday to perform for their adults and what a story they told! This story transcends time and no matter how many times it is heard, the true beauty of it was captured. We are so proud of them all!

Next week, it is our Year 1 & 2 children’s turn to tell the story in their very own way. When you arrive in school for the nativity, can I ask that you just bring yourselves ready to be present in the story. There will be enough seats for all tickets that have been sold, to avoid the need for any standing. Often we can get tempted to stand to watch when our child appears, or stand to wave so that our children know we are there. This isn’t needed; they know you are there, they know you love them, they know you are there to pray with them and they need you to be as still as you can so that they can perform like they have been practising. It is always nice to sit somewhere where you can see your child, but they cannot see you. You can both then enjoy the liturgy as intended. I would be really grateful if you can pass this message to whoever is coming to watch the performances. If you know of someone coming who will need additional support or seating, please do let us know and we would be happy to help in any way. The production is around about an hour long. You may want to think about bringing little ones to watch the play as it may be a tad too long for them.

Both nativities have been recorded and will be available for you to view online. In recent years, we have moved to the online way instead of a DVD as technology moves so quickly, the online version is the safest way to ensure that you can all access the film in lots of different ways: via computer, mobile, tablets, consoles, smart TV, and streaming devices such as Chromecast. This way ensures that everyone can access it for as long as possible, you can also share the film in a safe way with family and friends. Mrs Nel has added the payment of £12 to Parent Pay. If you would like a copy of the nativity, we need orders by:

Reception - Monday 11th December

Year 1 & Year 2 - Friday 15th December

We will have your digital codes ready for you in the final week of the term.

The Great Our Lady Bake Off - A School Fundraiser

I think the first Our Lady Star of the Sea Bake Off was a huge success! Thank you to you all of you who have supported, baked cakes, eaten cakes, wore a Christmas jumper - we had the most jolliest of times. Our choir entertained parents, family and friends this afternoon brilliantly. What a wonderful way to start Christmas. So far we have raised £977.00 through the bake off for our outdoor area and reading shed. If you still have money to bring in on Monday, please do. Let’s see if we can get to the £1000 mark.

Office News

On Wednesday 20th December it is the School Christmas Dinner. Those children who normally have a dinner will automatically receive one. Those children who do not, but would like one, please can you book using the button below. The cost of the dinner is £2.50 per child which will be added to Parent Pay. The children who normally have a school dinner in KS1 on a Wednesday will not need to pay. Can you indicate if your child is having a Christmas Dinner in KS2 or additional KS1 children please.

If you can sign up your child by Monday 11th December, we can then ensure that our food delivery is enough to cater for everyone.

Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 1 again this week - 99.3%. Our whole school attendance was 97.6%

For over 30 years, Mrs Rose Shepherd has been involved in the school community of Our Ladys school. First as a teacher, then as a parent and more recently as a govenor. This week, Mrs Shepherd attended her final governor meeting. I have had the privaledge to work with Mrs Shepherd when I was training to be a teacher and then since whilst in school. She is someone who radiates compassion in all that she does; I know those families who have had their children taught by Mrs Shepherd would say the same. It is now time for her to be with her family and grandchildren. Mrs Shepherd, on behalf of the school, we would like to thank you for your 30 years service. You have given of yourself selflessly.

Next Friday, 15th December the Operatic Society will be holding its annual festive night of carol singing. Doors open at the Parish Centre at 7pm, with the event starting at 7.45pm. It promises to be a night for all, adults and children alike. It is a free event aiming to fully immerse one and all in the sounds of Christmas.

Have a wonderful weekend

God bless

Mrs Gregan