"How much do you love me?' And Jesus said, 'This much.' Then He stretched out His arms and died.”

There are some moments in time that you wish you could capture and hold onto for eternity. This week has contained those moments. The sense of emotion which filled the hall each morning as we made our journey to the cross has been incredibly poignant. The liturgies which the children have shared with us all, celebrated Jesus’s arrival into Jerusalem, allowed us to be part of the intimacy of the Last Supper, made us reach out as Jesus was left alone in Gethsemane, cried out in despair at His Crucifixion and enabled us to see the hope and glory of Jesus’ Resurrection. Thank you, to each and every one of you for taking time to join us. Thank you for respecting the silence that we wanted to create as our children came into the hall. We hope that you have all found time to reflect and pray during this Holy Week.

The Passion of Christ is the greatest and most stupendous work of Divine Love. The greatest and most overwhelming work of God’s love.
— St Paul

It is hard to believe that we have reached the end of the Spring term. There is so much to celebrate and be proud of. Today, our Student Council announced the winners of the decorating an egg competition. The standard was incredibly high. The council particularly loved the ones that the children had made all by themselves, they could see the care and attention that had gone into them. A huge £128 for CAFOD was raised as a result of the competition. This will be added to the rest of the money that has been collected. Thank you for your generosity this Eastertime.

Our School Role Models

KS1 Certificate Winners

KS2 Certificate Winners

School Attendance

Well done to Year 4 this week - 99.7%. Our whole school attendance for the Spring Term is 96.63%

Office News

What a wonderfully busy term this has been and we have noticed so many more of you filling in the absence form online or leaving messages on the telephone or copying the office into emails to class teachers if it concerns children being absent. It helps us greatly as we have a legal responsibility to record all absences accurately. On the dinner front we have quite a few people whose accounts are in debit and we shall be following up next week with individual reminders. We can only serve dinners going forward if accounts are in credit. We have sent a general reminder out to KS2 families and please note, dinners taken on 6th April are not yet inputted onto ParentPay. If you do check the balance, please be aware that dinners taken on 6th have not yet been recorded so do add a further £2.40 for that day. Next half-term, there are 28 dinner sessions, - there are 2 Bank Holidays, on 1st May and 8th May. Dinners for the half-term will be £67.20.


We are very much hoping that the Summer term brings with it much warmer weather. The sun has certainly started to peek through, giving us hope that brighter days are coming. I have attached the uniform PDF for you to have a look at below. Please pay particular attention to the colour of PE trainers.

Summer dresses/shorts are definitely a sign that the sun is out. There are lots of different versions of these now which are available to buy in all the supermarkets and shops like Next, M&S and Matalan. As long as they are blue and white, they should meet the uniform guidelines. Do try on summer dresses over the Easter holiday, any that are now too small, please bring into school as soon as we come back and we are going to put out a uniform stall, hopefully at the end of the first week.

Family Quiz Night

On Friday 28th April - 6pm - we will be hosting our first Family Quiz Night for the School Community, to be held at the Parish Centre. Soft drinks and snacks will be available to purchase on the night.

Please complete the Microsoft Form below if you are wanting to attend, indicating how many members of your family will be part of your team.

We do only have a specific amount of space and therefore we will not be able to accommodate all members of the school community - it is on a first come, first serve basis. Families will be contacted on Monday 17th April confirming your team. At this point, you will be able to pay for your tickets via Parent Pay. Tickets are £2.50 per person in your team.

We are in need of raffle prizes for the night. If you have any at home or you can donate any to school, please do. Or if you feel like you can lend a hand helping to set up the evening, please let us know.


A new extra-curricular timetable will be launched after Easter, along with our Summer menu too. Judo will continue for a new group of children. If your child is in KS2 and has not taken part in judo this year but would have liked to, please complete the form below. I will then offer spaces to younger children if there are places available.

We will be returning to school on Monday 17th April at 8.45am and 8.50am. Thank you for all your wonderful support this term. It is always appreciated and we never take it for granted. Wishing you all a very happy and holy Easter.

Mrs Gregan