“You believe because you can see me. Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.”

The sun has shone this week and the brightness in the weather has been mirrored in our spirits. All of the children have been eager to come into school, often racing into class - it has been lovely to see. Today we launched our new virtues for this half term - attentive and discerning. Through the story of Doubting Thomas, we discussed how attentive the disciples were. They noticed the small things, as well as the bigger things. They noticed what was important and listened to what they were asked to do. Because of this, the disciples became discerning. They could start making careful choices about what was right and about what God had called them to do. This is something that we are striving to do this half term. We are striving to be attentive to the people around us and discerning in the choices that we are making.

For Lent, we sought to fundraise for CAFOD through an enormous amount of events and opportunities. From cake sales, to art galleries, to sponsored walks, the children gave of themselves freely for the cause. I am unbelievably proud to reveal that we have raised just over £2300 for CAFOD. Thank you all for your generosity and support.

‘God Save the King!’

These events in history do not happen very often - so let’s fully celebrate it and immerse ourselves in the pageantry of the occasion. On Friday 5th May, we will be having a CORONATION DAY in school. The children are invited to come in wearing red, white and blue - or even dress as the royal family, princesses or princes.

As part of the celebrations, we will be having a whole school picnic on the field and munching on a Coronation picnic prepared for by Jacqui and her team in the kitchen. Those children who normally have a school dinner on a Friday will automatically receive a picnic box. If your child does not have a dinner and would like one, they are priced at £2.40. Please complete the form below this weekend. We need to know numbers by Monday so a food order can be placed.

Corum Life Education

For the past two days, we have had Corum Life Education visit us in school. They have held a workshop with each of our classes and raised some really important issues that the children will face. From friendships, to making the right choices, to them understanding their bodies, the children have all benefited from direct time spent discussing subjects that they will experience. These discussions then contribute to the bigger PSHE picture in school. A leaflet is coming home with your child tonight to explain the programme. Why not ask them what they have remembered and discussed?

Role Models of the Week

Learning Role Models of the Week

School Virtue Role Models of the Week

Office News

We are trying to ensure that everyone is up to date with dinner money so please help us by checking ParentPay - we will send texts but please remember that we ask you to pay for lunches in advance as you would outside of school. It takes more time than we would wish to chase up arrears. We’re always here to help if anyone has a problem but do ask, otherwise it becomes an extra duty for us when we have already busy days. This is a particularly busy time as classes prpare to move up, our Y6’s prepare for transition to High School and we prepare for a new september intake for reception Class.

As a reminder, the dinner money for this half-term is £67.20 for 28 dinners (2 Bank Holidays). Dinners are still £2.40 per meal for KS2 children.

Just a reminder to look out for Dominic Sanderson this weekend, who will be running his 2nd London Marathon - on 23rd April 2023, St George’s Day and Shakespeare’s birthday. As you know, he’s running on behalf of a very worthy charity, Get Kids Going - for children who have disabilities, to help get them into sport. It’s still possible to sponsor Dominic if you’d like to and it’s on:

Weekly School Attendance

Well done to Year 2 this week - 100%. Our whole school attendance was 96.9%


Unfortunately, we have had to postpone the planned quiz night next Friday. We just did not have enough numbers to make the event viable. We will look at another opportunity later on in the term to host a family event as it has been something which people have said they would be interested in. I know many of you said that you would have attended - I need to work on my advertising skills clearly. Watch this space for a future event.

Have a lovely weekend with your families.

God Bless

Mrs Gregan